Chapter 77

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Everyone just stood there, their jaws almost hitting the floor. Absolutely none of them knew how to deal with this situation and the huge heaps of information they had just received.

None of them moved a single limb, everyone was shocked out of their wits. The exposure of those crucial events made their skin crawl, literally. However, it hit Taehyung and his mother the hardest of them all.

The boy knew his father was a cruel and violent man but he wouldn't have expected him to be that messed up, not in his wildest dreams. So did Mrs. Kim who wanted nothing more than file a divorce right here, right now. She was fed up with being under her husband's control for all those insufferable years.

Watching the man leave, Mrs. Jeon suddenly had an idea, not wanting to grant him a way out that easily. Picking up something from the ground, she threw it right at the back of his head with all the strength she could muster. "You bastard! Because of you, Haena couldn't even graduate! I hope you have a horrible rest of your life!," she screamed. He did not budge.

Ironically, the object she had just thrown was one of the graduation caps lying on the floor from when the kids had thrown them just a few minutes ago. Strangely, it felt like way more time had passed than that. Like days or weeks had passed.

Seeing another graduation cap lying below his feet, Taehyung picked it up, feeling rage bubbling up in his veins. As the man kept walking, he did the same as Mrs. Jeon. He threw it at his father's head, his expression showing nothing but disappointment and anger. "I'm ashamed to call you my father! You're a demon, telling me I'm a disgrace but then you commit literal crimes and ruin a girl's life just because you can't handle rejection?! You're nothing but a stranger to me! Fuck you!," he shouted, feeling a hand on his lower back pat it softly.

Not a minute later, Jungkook retreated his hand from the blonde's lower back and did the same thing he did, grabbing a graduation cap from the floor and throwing it at Taehyung's father and slightly smirking as he saw it soar through the air, like an arrow. "You abused my boyfriend, you sick fuck! You hurt the love of my life and if murder was legal, I wouldn't hesitate to stab the shit out of you until the light leaves your eyes! I hope you get run over by a truck, have a nice time in America!"

Now also getting inspired, Yoongi and Yoonji picked up graduation caps from the floor aswell, doing the exact same thing while Mr. Kim still didn't look back once, probably because he was ashamed of himself.

"We never got to meet our aunt because of you! Because of you, she ran away for the rest of her life!," they screamed almost in unison. The whole scene seemed like something you'd only witness in a movie. The middle-aged man walking down the road toward his car while the graduates and the two mothers stood there, clearly humiliating him. And that for a reason.

Mrs. Kim was the final one to throw the last remaining cap lying on the ground, also shouting at her husband: "I should've never married scum like you, business arrangement or not! Because of you, I was too much of a coward all my life to protect my own son because you told me not to! I hope karma will get you good and eat you the hell up, you piece of shit! And you better sign those damn divorce papers or I'll beat you to death!"

Jimin, Chaeyoung and Lisa, who remained but couldn't find any more caps to throw just decided to throw all sorts of insults at Mr. Kim's head instead, practically yelling on top of their lungs until he wasn't in sight anymore. And all this time, he didn't even look back once. Because despite all the unspeakably horrible things he had done, he still had a sense of shame. And if he had looked back, he would've felt exactly that. Shame.

He knew he had driven the girl he loved out of the country, possibly even out of the continent. And that might be the first as well as last thing he would ever deeply regret. After she had left, everything had gone absolutely numb. He did not care for another single thing, as long as he was successful and had a certain reputation he would at least feel accomplished. Like he had lived his life to the fullest despite being numb.

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