Chapter 44: Recharging

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*Silica's POV*

Pina: "Kyuuu! Kyu!"

Silica: "Pina, you have to slow down! This is the Fourth Floor! It's dangerous up here!"

Pina: "Kyu..."

Silica: "We're almost there though right? I-I'm kind of regretting coming alone now..."

Pina: "Kyu! Kyu!"

Silica: "Right! I'm not alone, I have you Pina!"

Pina: "Kyuuu! Kyuuu!"

Silica: "Wait, why'd you stop Pina?"

Pina was now nudging Silica's face and then she took off towards what seemed to be just a rock wall.

Silica: "What's wrong? Did you lose them?"

Pina: "Kyu!"

Pina began scratching at the rock wall, and then several rocks fell from the wall to reveal a hidden entrance.

Pina began scratching at the rock wall, and then several rocks fell from the wall to reveal a hidden entrance

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Silica: "Great job Pina! So U/N is in there then right?"

Pina: "Kyu!"

Pina nodded it's head to confirm Silica's suspicions and then the two of them began to make their way into the cave until-

Silica: "Wait! I should message Argo so she knows where U/N is in case... in case I'm not enough help for whatever is in there..."


Silica: "Oh, she's in the Boss Room? So that means she won't see this message for a while... but I guess I can check again later and send it when she's out... Let's go Pina!"


Silica: "There's no monsters... it's been so quiet, and I thought for sure monsters would have spawned in that room back there... that must mean that U/N is in here still!"

Pina: "Kyu! Kyu!"

Silica: "Wow! So pretty!"

The cave opened up into a large cavern, with a crystal-blue lake in the middle surrounded by lush green trees- all of which was illuminated by a bright crystal found at the roof of the cavern for an overall serene view.

The cave opened up into a large cavern, with a crystal-blue lake in the middle surrounded by lush green trees- all of which was illuminated by a bright crystal found at the roof of the cavern for an overall serene view

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Silica: "I can't see any ways past this cavern, this must be the last room in this dungeon... doesn't that make it the boss room?!"

Pina: "Kyu..."

Silica: "I can't hear anything, no fighting or anything. So does that mean U/N's already beaten the boss? But then why hasn't he left yet? Pina, can you track them in here?"

Pina: "Kyu! Kyuuu!"

Silica: "Well, lead the way then Pina! Let's find U/N and bring them home!"

Pina: "KYU!"

*A short walk through the cavern*

Pina: "Kyuuu! Kyu!"

Silica: "You found them? Where?! ... oh! Is that them there lying under that tree?"

Pina: "Kyu Kyu!"

Silica: "Hey U/N, are you okay?"

. . .

Underneath the tree lay U/N, wearing a cloak similar to Argo's on top of his equipment, the hood covering his face.

U/N: "mmmmhuh? wha? Silica? What are you-"

Silica: "Oh! I'm so glad you're okay. We were all so worried about you!"

U/N: "Worried about me? But I didn't get any messages- oh. Messages are disabled in here, I didn't think to check that... sorry."

Silica: "So you've been in here for the last two days? Were the monsters that hard?"

U/N: "Oh? Uhhhh... yeah, I suppose I took a lot of time clearing it..."

Silica: "That didn't sound very convincing... are you okay?"

U/N: "hmm? Yeh, I'm fine. Just tired, so I took a rest here under this tree... it's not too bad in here is it?"

Silica: "... it is really pretty..."

U/N: "And I'm fine, see. Nothing to worry about!"

Pina: "Kyu!"

Silica: "Right..."

U/N: "... wait! What are YOU doing in here Silica? How did you get here on this floor? Are you a high enough level to be up here?!"

Silica: "well..."

U/N: "... hmph, well let me take you back to the safe zone now then... and I guess I'll apologise to everyone else for scaring them."

Silica: "As you should! why- Why didn't you tell anyone you were going into a dungeon? Didn't Argo tell you they were doing the boss fight today?"

U/N: "ohh... was that today? I- I guess I lost track of time..."

Silica: "That doesn't sound like you! uhm, i-is something- is something the matter?"

U/N: "n-No, nothing's the matter..."

Silica: "Still not too convincing! ... wait, have you been crying?"


I was trying to keep my face hidden with the hood of my cloak, but I guess because Silica is smaller than most she could still get an angle of my face ... not that I was really expecting to see anybody in here, this was meant to be a private instance for my party of one... how did she even get in here?!

U/N: "w-what? No! I'm good, I guess it's a little cold out here so maybe sleeping like this wasn't my best idea..."

Silica: "... Argo was right, you really are a bad liar. Is it because you think I'm too young for this type of conversation?!"

U/N: "No, no. That's not it... I just- it's something I need to work on myself."

Silica: "But doesn't everyone keep telling you to lean on other people?"

U/N: "... this is a little harder for me than just joining a party for questing..."

Silica: "Well... you've been really nice to me, so it can't be something bad right?"

U/N: "Well, i- it's nothing malicious, no..."

Silica: "Then you can tell me at least right? I can't help with the fighting as well as the others, but I can help you with things like this! Right?"

U/N: "... want to go for that cheesecake I promised you?"

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