Chapter 108: Klein's Day

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I created this Poll yesterday, but I'd like to get as much engagement as possible with it.
Essentially I'd like to know who everyone's favourite character is in this book so far.

I realised I didn't specify before, but this is asking who your favourite character is as they are written in this book rather than your favourite character in general.
(Thus why Strea isn't included as she has only had a couple lines and none of them involved Y/N at all.)

Thanks in advance, and I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Y/N: "So it's this place then right?"

Philia: "Yep! This was where I was heading the other day, but then that Skull Reaper found and chased me away from the temple and towards you, but it definitely seems the sort of place that would have good treasure in it, right?!"

Y/N: "I'll take your word for it, I don't do too much treasure hunting myself! Although in other games... normally buildings like this out in the wilderness would be a trove of treasure and... also a pretty good place for lore."

Philia: "Right! It just has this aura doesn't it?! A large temple out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by forests and monsters... it's got to have something useful, right?!"

Y/N: "Here's hoping! So, you ready to head in?"

Philia: "Yeah! Let's do this!"

* * *


Y/N: "Philia, Switch!" *backstep*


Philia: "Aha! It looks like I'm getting to a point where those big ones aren't too difficult now! Thanks for letting me get all the Last Hits again U/N, I'm leveling up a lot with you around!"

Y/N: "No worries! I'm kinda glad that you ended up getting chased away from here before, not just because it helped me find you. But also because these guys are quite a lot higher level than the other monsters in the area..."

Philia: "Yeah, I think I would have really struggled at my level back then, but that also means that there really must be something good in here if the monsters are so much higher levelled than anywhere else in the area, right?"

Y/N: "Usual game design would say yes... but this is meant to be a testing area, right? They wouldn't necessarily need to follow those rules or make it fair to the player because its just a testing ground... so who knows! Although I'm hoping it's the former!"

Philia: "Well, we've been in this dungeon for a little while now... it can't be that much bigger, right? So we must be close to the final room don't you think?"

Y/N: "I... I think we just found it!"

As we turned the corner of the hallways, I could now see that ahead of us was a large Knight-styled mob, and it was definitely a mini-boss of some sort - what with that white aura around it and all... and I could partially make out the distinct shape of a Treasure Chest behind the Knight's armour.

Philia: "Aha! Looks like we were right on the money with that hunch after all!"

Y/N: "... Let's uh- not get too confident just yet, we still need to beat that boss first after all!"

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