Chapter 18: Recuperating

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It had been a couple hours since our fight with the respawned first floor boss, with Rain still probably asleep in my room I chose to rent a two bed room for the early hours of the morning, considering that neither me nor Lisbeth have had any rest and that Lisbeth hadn't said a single word since the event.

Asuna and Agil had accompanied the two of us back to Urbus, the main town of the Second Floor. Turns out Asuna got my message the moment I'd sent it; she had been working on her cooking skill and lost track of the time. On her way to the teleporter she ran into Agil who was just returning from a late night grind with his guild and was more than happy to come help out.

As thanks I told the two of them that I owed them both and if they ever needed help with anything to just ask, Asuna immediately used the favour to ask for me to give her some cooking tips at a later point whilst Agil said he'd keep it in mind and was glad we were both safe.

Once I'd gotten back to the inn with Lisbeth we parted ways with Asuna and Agil, Asuna told me she'd let Argo know what happened and that they'd have a proper look around the boss room to see if there was a reason the boss suddenly respawned after so long of inactivity. I thanked her again for her help and then I escorted the silent Lisbeth up to the room.


It had been a little while since we'd gotten back to the room now, Lisbeth still hasn't said anything, she's just been sat at the table with her head in her hands. I kinda wish Asuna hadn't left- I'm no good at the whole comforting thing... I guess I could try to-

Lisbeth: "I'm sorry."

Y/N: "Sorry? What for?"

Lisbeth: "For not helping... you could have died because of me"

Y/N: "Nonsense! I promised you we'd make it out didn't I?"

Lisbeth: ". . . How are you so brave?"

Y/N: "Brave? I was terrified, but if you don't act then you've no chance at surviving right?"

Lisbeth: "i- I couldn't move..."

Y/N: "And that's okay, I was there for you right, like I said?"

Lisbeth: "t- thanks."

Y/N: "I was glad to help! Now, you must be tired right? You should get some sleep too, you're safe now."

Lisbeth: "Yeh... ummm, would you mind if we- ... never mind. Goodnight U/N."

I've got an inkling to what she was going to ask for, worth asking for her I suppose.

Y/N: "hmmm... Hey, Lisbeth. You wouldn't mind if I pushed my bed a little closer to yours would you?"

Lisbeth: "YES PLEASE! Oh- ummm, I mean... I uh- I wouldn't mind that no."

After shoving my bed closer to Lisbeth's we both get into our respective beds and dim the lights right down. A couple moments pass by until Lisbeth pipes up again.

Lisbeth: "Hey... Hold my hand? "

Y/N: "Sure."

We reach out from our beds to which our hands meet in-between, this world is really detailed I can even feel the warmth coming from her hand...

Lisbeth: "It's warm." 

Y/N: "Yeh, I was just thinking the same thing."

Lisbeth: "You and I are both data in a virtual world, but..."

Y/N: "hmmm?"

Lisbeth: "... warm ... z z z"

Guess she's fallen asleep now, guess its about time I do the same... goodnight Lizbeth.

<561 words>

<Author's Note: Small bonus chapter as a Halloween Celebration, I know the world is kinda in shambles at the moment. My country will be going into a second Lockdown for December from what I understand. Stay safe!>

<Also, any feedback would be much appreciated!>

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