Chapter 3: Back to Town

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December 1st, a month has passed since we all found out we were trapped within this game, more than 2000 people's names have been written on the Monument of Life in the Black Iron Palace- a system that automatically adds the names of those that have fallen to this death game... I went in there once, but it was like going to one of those roadside graves set up by loved ones after a life is lost in a crash- there are no bodies to bury and the entire palace was overwhelmed by a chilling silence that really encapsulates the feeling of dread we all feel in this game, that any day could be your last if you dare step outside the city, but for some the hiding inside the city had begun to have an impact on their mental health... who knows how many people have jumped off the side of this floating castle just to escape it? I don't want to know...

. . .

Y/N: "I wish these mobs would respawn quicker, I hate being left to my own thoughts in here."

It had been a while since your first encounter with Argo, whilst you kept your actual level a secret and only equipped your higher threshold equipment deep into the field you could tell she knew you were progressing further into the floor and kept pressing for your old grind spots, you willingly gave them of course, you didn't need them anymore and if it helped the lower levelled players then it was nothing but positives. Plus it was nice to talk to someone strictly business, you never were one for too much small talk.

Argo also convinced you to not take such long stints without sleep, you agreed to not spending more than two and a half days out on the field without at least 6 hours sleep... at least for this floor-. . . Ah, the mobs have finally respawned in here!


The reason being that you accepted her request was for two, maybe three reasons: first and foremost, it would be better for your body and state of mind if you were better rested.


Secondly, you were deep within the labyrinth now when you were grinding, in fact you were fairly sure that the spiral staircase just ahead of you that led to those large doors was in fact to the boss room. Something you weren't keen on testing alone just yet.


But, these mobs you were fighting now seemed to be the highest level mobs on this floor and they were starting to offer much less exp per kill that they used to, you feel like you're probably over levelled for this floor at this point and your time would probably be better spent doing the busywork quests back in the first town and Tolbana and maybe consider picking up a new non-combat skill or two. You were considering smithing but were unsure of the details, something Argo could probably help with.


And the third reason, is that the morning after meeting Argo you came down from your room at the inn to get breakfast only to find Argo sitting at a small table in the corner calling you over.


Argo: "Hey! U/N! Over 'ere!"

Y/N: "G'morning Argo ... what's up?"

Argo: "I jus' wanted ta make sure ya had a real bite to eat before ya went out again, can't have ya keelin' over out there! ... ya gonna sit down an' eat or what, that ones yours"

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