Chapter 55: The Eighth Floor

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<Author's Note: Been reading other stories and found inspiration for a nice way to format my chapters, I would update my previous chapters but unfortunately it changes the stated release of chapter and I'd like to keep as many of the original release dates as possible for my own selfish reasons >

It had been just over an hour since I had beaten the Seventh Floor Boss, I sent a quick message to Argo and Lisbeth that I had cleared it; considering the two of them were the most likely to be up this early in the morning what with Argo's info gathering routines and that Lisbeth had messaged me earlier, just before I went into the Seventh Floor Boss Room wishing me luck.

This new floor was quite interesting, it was a dense forest-themed floor but it was different to the others in that the entire forest floor was covered in unfathomably deep water, and I wasn't able to use my gondola or any other water-borne crafts. 

Instead the way to travel around this floor was via hanging bridges, suspended by the trees as well as through their humungous branching branches.

* * *

Now I was at the main settlement of this floor, Frieven Village. Before I open up the Teleport Gate however I want to go to the inn again, this way I will always get first dibs on room number #00001- it's the little things!

Inn Staff NPC: "We have processed your request, your room and it's upgrades will be available to access in an hours time."

Y/N: "Thank you, I supp-"

Inn Staff NPC: "-Whilst you wait, perhaps I could recommend a few stores. I noticed you have the kitchen upgrade assigned to your room, I understand that our local cook has been having some issues and would definitely appreciate the help from an adventurer with experience in the culinary arts."

Y/N: "Oh? That does sound intriguing, I'll have to pay them a visit after I've activated the Teleport Gate for the other playe- ahem the other adventurers. Thanks for the tip!"

Inn Staff NPC: "It is only natural, you are one of our most loyal patrons. Should you have need for information you will have no better source than us!"

. . . I doubt that when I have access to Argo! But I suppose another source of information is always handy- especially as I seem to have ticked some boxes for exclusive info what with my long-term ownership of a room with a kitchen upgrade.


A short walk from the inn and now I was at the Teleport Gate for this floor, it was still only 05:30 in the morning so I doubt there are many, if any, players waiting to explore the new floor. I'm not sure if anybody other than our little group is expecting it anyways...

Speaking of our little group, what should I expect when I open the Teleport Gate concerning them? Argo knows and accepted it, Lisbeth knows and was fine with it... Asuna definitely knows and didn't seem too thrilled about it!

Argo said she would talk to the others, letting them know of my intentions and ensuring they didn't try to interfere, but did she ensure total immunity from my actions or will those that disagreed with my decision have something to say once they arrive through that Teleport Gate?

Only one way to find out, and I might as well get it over with!

I press my hand against the Teleport Gate, activating it and connecting it to the currently established teleport network that all players still remaining in this world have access to.

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