Chapter 10: You told on me?!

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<Author Note: just to say that I plan to keep Kirito & Asuna as a canon pairing, but I'd like to create a friendship between the Reader and the pair of which this chapter will begin to work on >

Back at the Inn on the Second Floor...

Kirito had left us on our way back to the inn to inform the gathering raid party that the mid-boss had already been dealt with, he said he wouldn't tell them it was me that killed it to my request. Not sure what excuse he'll use, but I trust him to come up with something on par with his 'beater' play. Unfortunately, with Kirito gone, it was just me and Asuna...

And she wasn't the same type of company as she normally would be.

Asuna: "I just- I still can't believe someone would do something so- so- so reckless!"

Whilst Kirito was in our company there was an awkward silence with the occasional talk of local quests, I suppose Asuna was still mulling it all over then. 

Asuna: "What if you made a mistake? What if it was different from the beta? What if-"

But with him gone now and the fact we were no longer walking across the field with mobs to distract her but rather sitting at a table in the inn's public floor I guess she decided to speak what was on her mind.

Asuna: "Nobody would know you were out there, if you needed help... nobody would be there to save you..."

Y/N: "Asuna... I-"

Asuna: "-just a minute, I want to get all this off my chest."

Y/N: "..okay"

Asuna: "Thank you... I tried to push through this game alone, did you know that?"

I shake my head, I've only ever seen her with Kirito, I just sort of assumed they'd been with each other since the start.

Asuna: "I went a lot of days without sleep, just fighting to make progress and work on clearing the first floor. I was grinding in the labyrinth a couple days before the meeting and I- I guess I collapsed from fatigue... Kirito found me and helped me out. And I realised that we can't clear this game as a solo player, we should be working together, and leaning on each other when we need help."

Y/N: ". . ."

Asuna: "So, if you ever want to do something reckless like that again... let someone know, please? And if you can't let anyone else know, tell me."

Y/N: "... okay."

Asuna: "Good! Now that you've promised that, you'll tell me why you decided to take on the mid-boss entirely by yourself now right?"

That was a complete 180° from before, she's a lot more manipulative than she looks!

Y/N: "I thought I said earlier? Nothing was really giving me enough exp for my levelling quota. So I looked at the beta information, saw it was something I could handle and ... well then I handled it. Now I have access to higher exp mobs again and can keep to my quota.. I think, you uh- kinda pulled me back to town before I could test out the new mobs."

Asuna: "Well. I needed to know why you were so ready to throw away your life by yourself. And you levelled up from beating the mid-boss so I'm sure taking the rest of the day off won't be so bad right?"

Y/N: "well- I was going to head back to the field after this- after we were all squared away that is."

Asuna: "Nope."

Y/N: "Nope?"

Asuna: "Nope. It'll be rather late by then, and by the time you get out there it will be way later. You need to get proper rest, especially after a solo boss encounter!"

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