Chapter 17: The First Boss ... again?!

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<Author's Note: The bosses weren't ever mentioned to respawn in the canon universe, but they do in the mobile game: Integral Factor. So I'll be pinching that to allow for alternate ways for Y/N to interact with characters (In several 'episodes' in that game you actually duo these bosses without any other help, so I don't think it's too unlikely that Y/N could solo old bosses, especially with how hard he's been training!) >


The boss, Illfang the Kobold Lord... respawned? Why now? People had been walking through this room all week and nobody ever mentioned him respawning before?


None of his minions are spawning. It's just him? I can deal with that

Lisbeth: "i- i- I'm going to die here aren't I?!"

Her legs buckled beneath her and she was now sat on the floor, terror in her eyes.

But what if they spawn in after I start chipping at Illfang's health? I could 1v1 him, but could Lisbeth handle herself against these minions? Not in that state she can't...

Y/N: "Lisbeth! Can you fight?"

Lisbeth: "n-no.. i- i- I'm too scared!"

Y/N: "Lisbeth! You're making it out of here. I promise! Stay back and keep an eye out for any minions that spawn okay? Just shout if you see anything-"

Lisbeth: "-but that's the boss! You can't beat him alone!"

Y/N: "Trust me Lisbeth. I promise."

Fortunately, Illfang hasn't fully aggro'd onto us yet, I've got time to think... as long as Illfang's attack pattern is the same as before then I'll have no issue with him. The Taurus have been good practice... but if more mobs spawn, Lisbeth is in trouble... I'll have to take her over to a wall and stand in-between her and the mobs- taking all the aggro and not being able to dodge attacks... I'll have to hit hard whilst I can, I'm not sure I have the endurance to survive that just yet...

But whilst I still have the time...


Asuna: "So, if you ever want to do something reckless like that again... let someone know, please? And if you can't let anyone else know, tell me."


It's really early in the morning, I don't know if she'll get this in time but its worth a shot.
I then open up my menu and go to my friends list, fortunately Asuna is at the top of my friend's list due to the chronological listing; I then click the message button and-


Guess I can't go into to much detail...

"Help. First Boss Room"

And send. Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that. Only thing I can do for now is fight.


Trusty spear by my side, I'm as ready as I can be. I may be confident in my stats and abilities, but I should still respect Illfang as the only Floor Boss we've beaten so far. I should rely on parrying or stunning him before I go in for a phase of dps.

*SCHWING* *PTING* *STAB* *STAB* *STAB* *STAB* *backstep*

*PTING* *STAB* *STAB* *STAB* *backstep*

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