Chapter 19: Messages

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Well, guess I slept a lot longer than I expected to, it's night out.
I must've slept the whole day away... guess I needed it though so I shouldn't complain too much-...

Why can't I move my arm? ...

Oh, I forgot I gave Lisbeth my hand before she fell asleep, she has quite the iron grip it seems!

Well, I've already lost most of today, I've no rush now. I'll wait until Lisbeth wakes up and releases me. Fortunately it wasn't my dominant hand, so I can still mess around with my menu for now... oh, I've a couple messages. Might as well read them, I don't get them that often.

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The first one is from Asuna:

Hey U/N, it's Asuna. 

Wanted to check in with you in person but you didn't answer so I assume you were still asleep, was just going to let you know that I let Argo know about the First Floor Boss respawning on you walking through the boss room, she's informed Kibaou (that spiky-haired jerk from the boss fight!) and he took his guild back to see if they could figure it out but no dice... it might be a weekly thing or just a one-time thing and it was lucky that it was you that got caught up in it rather than some unsuspecting lower levels.

That said, you almost died again! >:(

I know it all worked out fine in the end (you're welcome by the way) but you played way too recklessly, I understand why you did it- that girl wouldn't have survived without you. But she also could have been the death of both of you... I'm just glad it all worked out in the end!

Also, thanks for messaging me when you needed help, I appreciate you keeping your word. ^.^

Well, I suppose now I'm awake I should reply to this, hopefully she's not already asleep:

- - -

Hey Asuna, it's U/N.

Thanks for letting me know, it's definitely weird that it respawned out of the blue like that. In a normal MMORPG bosses respawn to be farmed, but this isn't a normal MMORPG and I didn't get anything worthwhile from the boss that'd be worth risking your life more than usual- I might have another look around next week and see if I spot it. (if you want to accompany me for your sake I won't stop you! You're quite dependable.)

It was mostly calculated, if the minions didn't respawn so quick I wouldn't have had any issues!

I always keep my word, when I can. But thanks for coming to help. I appreciate it, a lot.

P.S. Here's a tip for our cooking class: have a lot of fish on hand!

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Well, that's that one covered. As for the other message, it's from Argo... here we go:

Oy U/N! It's Argo.

Can you go one day without getting yourself in trouble?! 

First you've been solo since day one doing who knows how many risks in the name of levelling; then you go mano-e-mano with the mid-floor boss entirely by yourself; and then you almost die during the quest I sent you on to repent for your almost dying on me the day before; and NOW you end up against the First Floor Boss essentially alone whilst having to use your body as a damn meat shield for a noob player!

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