Chapter 7: Interrupted Lunch

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You heard from Argo that when the beta testers played through the beta the more difficult mobs spawned in the wasteland part of the second floor, so that's where you are right now.


Currently the mobs here take more hits to slay than your normal hunting spots would normally take, and in a 1v1 situation you let yourself take a couple of hits in a controlled situation to gauge damage taken. Thanks to your tier 4 armour that was now enhanced to +7, you took less than a sixth of your total health in damage, this was within acceptable boundaries so you found no reason not to continue grinding here as long as you remained alert. Best to get as much out of this spawn zone before the other players catch up and you get pushed out by one of the two territorial groups that, from what Argo told you, are the groups that splintered after the controversy of the First Floor Boss.


Well, looks like I've reached a large enough level gap against these mobs that I can grind them with much more ease now. I suppose I should move further in-field and see if I can find a spot with a larger quantity of mobs so I can keep my exp quota at an acceptable rate, but for now I think it's time for a lunch break...

Unfortunately these mobs aggro onto you regardless of intention with a rather wide radius so you'll have to head to the outskirts of the Wasteland to have your meal safely so you make your way town-wards.


The change in terrain is a sure giveaway that I'm no longer in the Wasteland, I suppose I can pop on top of that rock for a nice view whilst I eat...

Upon scaling the rock formation (that was remarkably akin to the Pride Rock formation from the Lion King movies) you open up your menu and take out your lunch for the day, one of your homemade Beef Burgers and some leftovers from the celebratory feast you participated in the night before...

It was nice, spending time with people and eating around a table, other than Argo you didn't really interact with people on a regular basis. If it wasn't for Argo you probably would have gone insane from loneliness if you didn't die from sleep deprivation before that! You really were thankful for what she's done, she's a great frie-

???: "Quite the spot for lunch! How's the view?"

That wasn't a voice you recognised, you look down to the source of the voice to see a girl looking up at you, with short dandelion-coloured hair.. not someone I recognise either...

Y/N: " can I help you?"

???: "I'm just passing through on my way to a- uh- somewhere"

Y/N: "Careful going into the Wasteland, the mobs get more frequent in number the further you go in and they hit kinda hard... probably"

You add that last word whilst looking at her armour, it was only tier 2 armour, definitely not something you'd be willing to wear out there

???: "oh? really? So is that why you're up there eating lunch, waiting for your party to catch up?"

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