Chapter 22: The Second Floor's Labyrinth

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Kirito: "So in the past couple days you've almost died twice and you're still heading out to grind, I'm not sure whether you're just dedicated to the grind or if you're completely de-sensitised to the risks you're taking..."

Y/N: "Mostly column A but I won't deny a little of column B... but I'd say it's less de-sensitised and more so... accepting I guess?"

Kirito: "Hmmm, I think I get what you mean. But don't go dying on us just yet- we're only on the Second Floor after all!"

Y/N: "I don't plan on going just yet!"

Kirito: "That's what we like to here! So whilst we're still on our way to the Outer Field... you've spent a decent amount of time out in the field, where would you recommend I stake my claim of mobs for the day?"

Y/N: "We're heading there now, it's a sheltered canyon, a bunch of the typical Taurus Warrior mobs spawn there, seven of them with a respawn time of... I think about a minute and a half? It's good because it's sheltered from the weather but still gets a decent breeze of wind."

Kirito: "You really know your stuff! How long did you spend out there?"

Y/N: "hmmm, a couple hours I think... but I'd spent a lot of time trying out the other spots before I found that one so I was quite levelled up already, once you've out-levelled those Taurus there's another spot just further in towards the Labyrinth, I'll give you the exact location in a message but just look for the tall rock spire by itself and the mobs are all hanging around at the base of the spire."

Kirito: "I see now why Argo gets all her field info from you now, you really do your homework don't you!"

Y/N: "Well... good, reliable information can save lives. I'm getting the info as I play, it only makes sense I pass it onto the next players passing through... plus Argo's Col helps out!"

Kirito: "You must be the only player in this world that doesn't lose Col to Argo but rather gets paid by her! But hey, what'll you be doing today? Got a place in mind to grind?"

Y/N: "Was thinking of heading into the Labyrinth today, try and map out some of the floors in there and see how I fare against the mobs in there. Maybe if it goes smoothly I can even try and locate the Boss Room."

Kirito: "You're already at a level to fare against the Labyrinth?! What's your secret?!"

Y/N: "Spend less time in the safe zones and sleeping, more time to grind. That's probably the main reason I guess..."

Kirito: "hmmm, maybe when we unlock the Third Floor I might give that a try, see how it goes for me."

Y/N: "Just make sure you don't collapse to fatigue, you'll be an easy target to anything like that."

Kirito: "Yeh, that'd be an awful way to go... too weak to defend yourself from even the weakest of mobs..."

Y/N: ". . . yeah."

Kirito: "Sorry for that thought, unfortunately that's probably not a hypothetical situation in this world is it... it's probably happened to some of the ones who are gone."

Y/N: "Unfortunately... yeh . . . ah- there's that sheltered canyon I told you about, your mobs to grind are in there, and if you look just above the canyon you can see the rock spire for the next group of mobs just poking up from behind."

Kirito: "Ah, fantastic! Well thanks for the grind spots and the chat, the walks out here can get real lonely sometimes. I look forward to what info you get from the Labyrinth... I don't look forward to Argo's prices though!"

Y/N: "aha, I don't envy the victims of Argo for sure! See ya Kirito!"

Kirito: "Stay safe, see ya U/N!"

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