Chapter 145: Administration Area

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Y/N: "Philia, finish it off! Switch!"

Philia: "You got it! HYAAAAAAAAAAA!"


Philia: "Aha! That's another Boss handily dealt with by the dream team, the dynamic duo, the best of the Hollow Area: Philia and U/NNNNNNNNNN!!"

Y/N: "Heh. Are you sure you want to pursue Treasure Hunting? You'd make a great hype–girl!"

Philia: "Oh? Hehe... You uh– you really think so? I guess I'll keep it under consideration then. Being your personal cheerleader seems like it would be quite the easy job, and I'd imagine it's well paid too, what with how much Col you get and don't spend! Hehe!"

Y/N: "You...! *sigh* Let's just go and see what this last zone has to offer us, before you bleed me dry!"

Philia: "Hehe! You say that like it'd be such a bad thing!"

Y/N: "Because it would be! The bleed debuff totally sucks! Ahaha! And anyways—"

Philia: "Oh! Hey look! That 'Fiery Necklace' of yours lit up again! That means that was the Area Boss after all!"

Y/N: "That, and now we can go ahead and move onto that final zone and find the Boss that's hidden in there. Just a few more steps and we'll finally have you back in Aincrad with me and everybody else!"

Philia: "I know... It's really exciting! And... well, I'm glad that I'm actually helping out now. Not like the last time we got attacked by that Boss. That was the same enemy type that was chasing me back then, wasn't it...?"

Y/N: "Mhm. Yeah. Death centipedes, not my favourite of the enemy types I have to say! But, hey, at least I know that I've a dependable partner by my side to deal with any that come our way!"

Philia: "y–You're just saying that... I'm sure you could have handled that thing just fine on your own!"

Y/N: "Regardless, there's no denying that we're way more in tune with each other's fighting styles now. So much so that they can't even be compared to how we were before. You're the duo partner I wish I had way back on the First Floor! But... I was way too shy to ever have the confidence to ask someone to team up with me. Especially not a total stranger!"

Philia: "Hehe! I'd bet! You were practically a statue back then, with how little you'd talk. A very combat-orientated statue! Hehe!"

Y/N: "Don't remind me..."

Philia: "Hehe—Hey! I just noticed! You didn't deny that I said you could've done this on your own!!"

Y/N: "Well, Philia, some things just don't need to be said!"

Philia: "Hmph! Oh yeah? Then tell me, would you? What sorta things, nya~"

Y/N: "y–You're still doing that? I would've thought you'd drop it by now..."

Philia: "Why would I stop when it makes you so flustered so easily?! Hehe! I love it! It's like I found my own little cheat code!"

Fortunately, Philia's totally unfair teasing was interrupted by the door behind us opening up, revealing two familiar players as they stepped inside the recently–cleared Boss Room. Quickly taking the opportunity to find mercy with them by walking over to the two of them and away from the apparent Neko that I left to catch up after me.

Asuna: "This room... it looks just like..."

Kirito: "...The Boss Room on the 75th Floor, yeah. It looks identical..."

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