Chapter 46: Sixth Floor Labyrinth

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<Author's Note: I was using the official SAO timeline for canon dates of boss clears, but the timeline takes a break between January 3rd to March 2023 (although it is mentioned that Konno Yuuki begins using the Medicuboid in February), of which Floor 22 is beaten, I definitely don't intend to take that long to get to that point! Currently I'm thinking of trying to get to the fluffy parts of a relationship by February in time for a Valentine's Day Special. So after this chapter I won't be matching the date's like I have been the past couple days, so expect some day-to-day timeskips in future chapters >

Y/N: "This room, right Pina?"

Pina: "Kyu! Kyu!"

Y/N: "Thanks Pina, you've been a big help... glad to see that you can still interact with the world even when Silica's not awake."

Yesterday was New Year's Eve, and despite my recommendations, Silica refused to retire until the end of the firework display, claiming that she "wasn't a kid!"
Yet despite the volume of the fireworks, she did indeed end up falling asleep before the end of the display. With her head leaning on your shoulder whilst Pina slept on her lap.

You chose to leave them like that for a little while so you could watch the end of the display yourself, in case there was an event item or something rewarded to players for attending.
There ended up not being any such item, but it was nice to watch the fireworks regardless, it was like a little bit of your normal life had returned for the night, no grinding, no fighting.

... it was nice, considering the past couple days you had alone in that dungeon.

After the show ended you gently nudged Pina to see if you could wake her up, successfully waking her you then attempted to ask her yes/no questions to find out whether Silica had an inn room you could return her to, somehow you managed to get an answer and half an hour later you were outside the door to her room.

Y/N: "Hey Pina, can you open the door?"

Pina: "Kyu!"


Y/N: "Oh, that's both fortunate and worrying..."

I'm both relieved that this works so that I don't have to consider the morals of accessing her inventory for her key by using her hand whilst she sleeps, but it's also worrying that someone can so easily enter without Silica's permission... she'll have to train Pina to be more vigilant about that... but Pina might also have only done it because I'm on Silica's friends list- might be something worth testing in the future.

Pina: "kyu... kyuuuu"

Seems the pillow on that nightstand is Pina's bed, and she's heading straight to sleep now that Silica is safe within her room.

I guess I should put Silica down on her bed, tuck her in and leave a note on her table before I head back to my room for a couple hours sleep in preparation for my catch-up grinding session on the fifth floor.

Y/N: "This was a nice change of pace, thanks Silica."



It turned out that at about 8:30pm last night, Kirito and a small team of reliable players took on the Fifth Floor Boss before the two main guilds could prepare, because of the rumoured Last Drop Bonus item, the Flag of Valour: it would give one of the guilds a massive advantage over the other, so to avoid any more fighting between guilds Kirito and Argo decided an extraneous group should take claim of it until the power struggle currently ongoing had diminished, and if a second Flag ever surfaced then both guilds would be given one each.

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