Chapter 135: The Karma Quest?

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It had been a week since the Christmas party, yesterday was New Year's Day. And as per tradition, Silica and I spent the day together– playing and exploring the two towns we had available together whilst Pina flew overhead, we then returned to my Inn room and had a cheesecake together, and then we finished the night like we usually did: by watching the fireworks together until she inevitably would fall asleep onto my lap, where I then brought the sleeping tamer back to the Inn. 

Asuna was still up when I arrived and she offered to take Silica from me to take her back to her room. Pina seemed to have no objections to this, and so neither did I, and so Asuna relinquished me of the little tamer I had in my arms and then carried her to her room.

This past week has been a very chaotic one, what with it hosting both the Christmas and New Years celebrations. But also because surprisingly, Sachi was now up here on Floor 76 with all of us now! 

She managed to run into me whilst I was on my way back to the Inn, apparently she had been looking for me for most of the afternoon.


???: "Oh! I found you U/N! Thank goodness! I was worried that I'd be wandering around out here for hours!"

Y/N: "Hmm? I recognise that voice... Wait!"

Y/N: "s-Sachi?!"

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Y/N: "s-Sachi?!"

Sachi: "h-Hello U/N... I'm uh... I'm here!"

Y/N: "I... yeah. I see that, and... don't take this the wrong way, because it's really great to see you again, but... what are you doing up here?! You know you can't go back down to the other Floors once you come up here, right?"

Sachi: "Well... y-yeah. But I... I was getting... a little l-lonely. i-I'm sorry! *sniffle* I knew I shouldn't have come—"


Sachi: "U/N?! wh-why are you hugging me so suddenly?!"

Y/N: "Don't... Please don't ever think that you don't deserve to be up here with us."

Sachi: "b-but I—"

Y/N: "If you wanted to come up here, then you can be up here. And you'll be welcomed up here just like anyone else has. If fact, I'm really happy to see you again! It's been too long!"

Sachi: *sniffle*

Y/N: "And... you picked quite the interesting day too! This is now the second Christmas in a row that we've met after a long while of not seeing each other, right?"

Sachi: "... a-at least your eyes work this time!"

Y/N: "True, I almost forgot that we had that little scare of me maybe ending up blind! But... I still don't regret my decision – even if I did end up permanently blind, knowing that you'd be back and alive in this world, ready for your return to the other one once we cleared this game would be more than  worth it to me."

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