Chapter 52: Gossip and Promises

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Well, that's the Crimson Troll dealt with, I definitely was over-levelled for that encounter, but it was also handy that Kirito sent me the info he had on the Floor Boss, seeing as -thanks to Kizmel's clarification- we now know that the Floor Boss does indeed share similarities to the Crimson Troll.

And it looks like the quest I received from Kizmel has been updated after the Crimson Troll's death, honestly the hunting aspect was the most enjoyable part of this quest, I'd kind of like to keep doing quests like that- it's just a shame that the Elf War ends in a couple of floors so I doubt I'll get many more Hunting Quests from Kizmel... might ask Argo to keep an ear out for me for future Hunting quests- gotta have some entertainment amongst the work!

- - -

I guess for now I should head for Kizmel, maybe there'll be a relevant reward to help with the Boss encounter? Although I still feel like this quest wasn't meant to exist, it felt like it was dynamically created by the system- not that I'm complaining at all! It helped to sell my little fib to Asuna and gave me some combat experience with oversized Troll monsters.

Speaking of Asuna, I assume Kizmel is still with Kirito and Asuna so if I wanted to find her I guess the easiest way would be to track one of them... and that reminds me actually: Argo clearly is keeping tabs on me with the Player Track feature so she's going to know that I'm doing the Boss Fight regardless of my efforts.

Plus when the next floor opens up suddenly without an organised raid team effort I'm sure they'll realise it was me, and I'm not exactly in either Argo's or Asuna's good graces currently... but maybe Argo would be an easier angle to work and then she could convince the others to let it slide, she does have quite the presence... despite her small stature, but maybe that's why it's so effective?


She really can be terrifying can't she!

- - -

Well, seems like Kirito is just past where the Mid-Floor Area Boss spawned, I guess I made their quest easier by getting rid of the Area Boss before they got to it. 

They're not too far away from these hunting grounds where I had slain the Crimson Troll, it shouldn't take me too long to get to them from here I suppose.


Kirito: "Hey! You finished already?"

Y/N: "Yeah, it- it was kind of... easy, like really easy. Although your tips definitely helped out, so thanks for that!"

Kirito: "No worries, hopefully now you'll do even better in the boss fight when we finally all catch up to you eh? ... although, knowing how quickly you dealt with that Crimson Troll I kind of wish I tagged along with you now, especially because the Mid-Floor Area Boss was already defeated so this quest was kinda dull. It was you who dealt with the Mid-Floor Area Boss wasn't it?"

Y/N: "Yeah, suppose there's no point in hiding it as Argo already caught me red-handed."

Kirito: "Aha! Got a scolding from The Rat did you?"

Y/N: "You know it, but it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be-"

Asuna: "-what wasn't?"

Y/N: "o-oh, hey Asuna. I was just telling Kirito about my uh- most recent scolding from Argo."

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