Chapter 118: The Illusion Falls Apart

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Asuna: "Huh... YD-ATT043? What a weird nam-... Oh! Is this another one of your meals from the real world? This is how you labelled your creations, right?"

Kirito: "But if its a food item then why did you need to trade it, rather than just materialise it?"

Leafa: "And that number at the end... it took you 43 attempts to make it?"

Silica: "But what type of food could the YD stand for...?"

Lisbeth: "Hmmmmm... I'm drawing a blank, nothing comes to mind... what is it, what is it?!"

Y/N: "Huh, if Lisbeth can't think of a food that would work then there simply can't be one!"

Lisbeth: "HEY! Just what are you implying with that? Hmmmm?!"

Silica: "Teehee!"

Y/N: "o-Oh.. well, you know... you're uh-... n-never mind that! Because what I just gave to you Asuna isn't a food item!"

Sinon: "Hmmm... then what exactly is it?"

Y/N: "Well... w-why don't you have a look in your menu Asuna?"

Asuna: "Oh okay... huh, it really isn't a food item then...? Oh! It's a piece of equipment!"

Y/N: "It's uh... I gave it a description of what it is. I wanted you to read it first, just to make sure it's okay before materialising it..."

Asuna: "Oh? Hmmm... Oh, I see!"

Strea: "Oooh! What is it? What is it? I'm too curious!"

Asuna: "Hey Yui? Would you mind coming with me for a moment?"

Yui: "Huh, me? Sure Mama!"

Asuna: "We'll be back in a moment, someone keep an eye on U/N and make sure they don't use the chance to slip away!"

Yui and Asuna then made their way for the stairs leading up towards the Inn rooms, leaving the party for a short moment.


Not even a couple seconds later and you felt someone grab onto your arm and brought it close to their side, essentially entrapping you.

Not even a couple seconds later and you felt someone grab onto your arm and brought it close to their side, essentially entrapping you

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Lisbeth: "Welp! You heard her U/N. Guess I've got no choice but to watch you closely! Haha!"

Y/N: "I- I wasn't planning on slipping away! ... Well, not yet anyways..."

Lisbeth: "Oh? So you did plan on slipping away before the party ended then ey!"

Strea: "What? Why would anyone ever want to leave a party before it ended? Parties are so much fun!"

Y/N: "w-Well I..."

Sinon: "Hmmm? Clearly you don't know much about U/N, that is entirely in-character for them."

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