Chapter 136: Not Quite Human

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Philia: "Ah, I didn't realise I fell asleep

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Philia: "Ah, I didn't realise I fell asleep... Sorry U/N!"

Y/N: "Hmm? Sorry... for what?"

Philia: "Well, I just wanted to lay down for a bit whilst I waited for you to get back, and I kinda seeped over onto your futon, so you didn't have anywhere to sit whilst you waited on me..."

Y/N: "I don't mind just sitting on the floor if I wanted to sit down! And anyways, don't worry about that – I know these futons aren't all that wide on their own... I could try making another one though maybe, to give you some more space to spread out maybe?"

Philia: "I guess... but I'd hate to put you out like that for no reason! And anyways..."

Philia then mumbled something under her breath, I couldn't quite make it out, but it seemed to be in defence against my offering to make her an extra futon... so I guess I won't push it any further. After all, seeing that bright smile on her as she was sleeping earlier, she's clearly fine as she is.

Philia: "So... if you weren't in here, what were you doing? Were you in Aincrad the whole time? What did you get up to?"

Y/N: "Oh, that? I actually was exploring the Hollow Area, I went back to that first zone and went to some of the places we hadn't really checked properly."

Philia: "You did huh... Did you find anything cool?"

Y/N: "Well... I'm not too sure about cool... but I did find a couple of things of interest at least, like this:"

I then opened up my inventory and found one of the Sweet-Smelling Fruits that I had taken with me earlier. I then materialised it and handed it over to Philia to look at.

Philia: "Oh, wow! This fruit smells really sweet! Like, way too sweet! Where'd you find this?" 

Y/N: "Uhmm... Do you remember that Garden Paradise place we walked through a while back? The North section?"

Philia: "Hmm, vaguely, I think... maybe?"

Y/N: "Well, I found a chamber that we ignored the first time, and there's sometimes a Hollow Mission in the area, but otherwise there's no monsters nearby. And there's a bunch of trees with those fruits, it smells ridiculously sweet over there, I'm surprised we didn't notice it before!"

Philia: "Huh, that is weird! Sooo, what sweet treat are you planning to make from it?"

Y/N: "Well, that's the thing... it's not actually a cooking material!"

Philia: "h-Huh? Then what is it for?"

Y/N: "I've no idea... but I thought I might as well just carry it on my person. It might just have a use somewhere, right?"

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