Chapter 134: Hollow Christmas II

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Koharu: "Hey U/N! Nice to see you again!"

Y/N: "Oh! I thought I recognised the voice of the tree! Hey there Koharu, it's been a little while

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Y/N: "Oh! I thought I recognised the voice of the tree! Hey there Koharu, it's been a little while. How've you been?"

Koharu: "Ha! I reckon I could make quite the good tree, don't you! Hee-hee! I've been pretty well too, thanks for asking. How uhm... how's that place that you've been lately?"

Y/N: "Uhm... o-other place? What do you mean by that? Floor 77...?"

Yuna: "No, not that. The Hallow place or whatever it was that they told us about. Asuna told us to be hush-hush about it."

Y/N: "Asuna told you about...? Really?"

Koharu: "...Is that a problem?"

Y/N: "I... I guess not. I mean... I trust the two of you– but Asuna told you to keep this on the downlow, right?"

Koharu: "She did tell us that, yes. Because we were really curious as to where you'd gone. We couldn't track you at all on the map for a long while."

Yuna: "And of course we're not going to tell anyone else! But Asuna only told us the name of the place and that nobody else seems to be able to access it... but we just can't help being even more curious now!"

Y/N: "Hmm... I guess telling you more about it wouldn't hurt... I do trust you when you say you won't talk about it with anyone else after all!"

Yuna: "Thanks for the confidence! Oh! But before all that... Koharu?"

Koharu: "Hmmm? Oh right! The reason I wanted to see you today!"

Koharu then carefully looked around the area that she was sat in, and she moved some of the baubles and decorations that were scattered around her so that she wouldn't stand on them as she got up.

She then slowly and methodically got back up on her feet from her seated position from when she was decorating the tree. Koharu then opened and started navigating her menu, before then materialising a beautifully wrapped present and taking a couple of steps towards me with it still in her hands.

Koharu: "Here! This is for you, from both of us... Oh! And also Sanya, unfortunately she's not here at the moment though. I think she said she was helping someone out or something...? I can't really remember!" 

Koharu then handed me the present that was in her hands, and she smiled at me so brightly... just like she used to, back when we were still friends... all those years ago...

Y/N: "Thanks Kureh—... I'm sorry. Koharu. I meant Koharu. Thank you Koharu..."

Koharu: "Hmm? That's okay, don't worry about it! But uhm... who is Kureh? Is that a friend of yours, maybe one from the Hollow place?"

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