Chapter 48: Partying Up!

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<Author's Note: The canon is incredibly sparse for the unimportant bosses with little importance on the story (Basically just the First Floor, Gleam Eyes and Floor 75 are of note) so I'm going to be using the bosses from the Integral Factor mobile game where I can, so instead of the canon 'The Irrational Cube' boss for the Sixth Floor Boss Room it will instead be 'Pierce the Rogue Manticore' as there is more info for me to work with and the book's title does say that this is using Gameverse canon anyways so I don't feel too bad in abandoning the canon for this situation >



Hey U/N, got some intel about the boss fight for you, you'll find it attached to this message.
But don't you dare even think about heading off to solo it if you value our continued cooperation!

- Argo.


Sounds like we'll be dealing with the Sixth Floor boss today then hopefully! I guess I can check this attachment whilst I wait so I know what I'm dealing with...


Pierce the Rogue Manticore:

A large quadrupedal creature that primarily attacks via dive attacks but will attack with it's claws- either as a standard slash attack or as part of a spin move.

There are no minions in the room, just Pierce. But they take up a lotta room so expect to have to put effort into dodging his attacks.


Well, this seems like a bog-standard boss, if it wasn't for the promise I made to Argo that I wouldn't do this alone I would definitely be heading out to solo the boss now... maybe I could send her a message to persuade her? Worth a shot I suppose-


Was that Lisbeth? Did she forget her key again?

I head to the door and open it, expecting to see Lisbeth on the other side only to be greeted by a group of people, it took me a moment after the initial surprise to realise I recognised the group that had amassed at my entrance.

Argo: "Heya U/N, I brought the strike force!"

Kirito: "yawn Yo!"

Rain: "ah, you're going to make me ya- yawn Damnit Kirito!"

Kirito: "Sorry! I guess I'm just not used to being up this early in the morning!"

Asuna: "It's 8:00am, what time do you normally get up!"

Kirito: "Well, I'm more of a late night grinder, less people to compete with... well, unless you're U/N and grinding mobs that the rest of us haven't even seen yet!"

Agil: "It is quite impressive how you've managed to stay ahead of the rest this entire time."

Y/N: "u-uh, hi guys. i- It's not that impressive honestly... I just had a head start is all!"

Argo: "Ever the modest one, our U/N! Ya just can't take a compliment can ya?!"

Rain: "Come on Argo, leave them be! Shouldn't you be explaining why we're all here anyways?!"

Argo: "Awww! But teasin' 'em is half the fun!"

Rain: "I mean, we already got the info, we could just leave you outside and make our plans without you..."

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