Chapter 106: Much Needed Rest

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Asuna, Kirito and U/N all were trying hard to convince me to come with them, back to Aincrad. 

Eventually I relented, not because they convinced me... but because I knew that it wouldn't matter regardless... I tried using my Teleport Crystals already, almost every day I would try it.

But for some reason, I keep getting errors whenever I try, so I have no faith that teleporting this way will work either. But if it does... I think I'll owe U/N an unpayable debt after all they've done in the name of saving me- and all of those messages they sent me... they asked me not to open them and to just delete them, but I don't think I will. 

U/N was the only person to try and send me a message at all in all that time I was gone... and they sent me so many, almost enough for a message for each day that I was gone. And they blamed themselves for what happened to me all this time... How can I ever repay them for all that?

. . .

I wasn't really listening to what the other three were talking about, I was just lost in thought as to what I would need to do next once they all teleport home and realise I didn't come with them.

I haven't seen any quest-giving NPC's yet, but there must be someway to get rid of this Orange Cursor, right? It's the only thing that I can think of that is stopping me from teleporting out of here... well, the only one I want to believe. I... I really hope they weren't the real one after all...

U/N: "-just let me know!"

Were they saying something? They're looking right at me, but I didn't catch it. I don't want them to worry about this. It's my problem, not theirs... and U/N already has enough on their plate. I should just answer positively, right?

Philia: "...Thanks, I will!"

Asuna: "Same here, thanks for the invitation U/N. I'm sure we'll probably be back here at some point... even if we know nothing about this place, it really is good for exp and drops... a-Anyways! Are we all ready to go?"

Kirito, U/N and Philia: "Yeah."

Asuna: "Teleport: Arc Sophia!"

A bright light enveloped the Teleport Gate that we were all standing on and when it finally dissipated I was still in the same room, but the other three of them were gone... I knew it.

System Announcement: "System error. You are unable to teleport from the Hollow Area."

Philia: "Why? What is it about me...?"

???: "You already knew that would happen, didn't you? Why didn't you tell me?"

Philia: "Wh-What? U/N?! What are you doing here? I thought you teleported back?"


Y/N: "Well, I had my suspicions but... I didn't think you'd literally cause an error when you tried to teleport back to Aincrad!"

Philia: "... So you stepped off the Teleport Gate at the last second? But how did you figure me out?!"

Y/N: "Well, the first thing that made me suspicious was that you didn't want me to give you a Teleport Crystal after we beat that Skull Reaper... surely, if they worked then you would want one to be able to come home?"

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