Chapter 67: Monsoon in the Boss Room

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Rain: "Hey U/N, I'm here. What's up?"

Y/N: "o- oh, hey Rain... I uh- I wanted to ask you something I suppose."

Rain: "Hmm?"

Y/N: "Well, I uh- me and Lisbeth were talking after you all left yesterday- thanks again for coming by the way- and well she gave me a suggestion..."

Rain: "You don't need to thank me, it was really fun celebrating your birthday with you! I always love hanging out with you! Now... about this suggestion?"

Y/N: "r- Right... well, Lisbeth asked me what I was going to do today and I told her I'd probably be doing the Floor Boss today-"

Rain: "-Oh, will you now? I doubt Argo'll give you the info, and I know you don't go into these things blind!"

Y/N: "Well, I won't be going in blind... I did every discovered quest available on this Floor, so I've gotten all the info myself that I normally would buy from Argo."

Rain: "Ah... so are you planning on telling anyone else?"

Y/N: "ummmm... I was thinking of waiting until I was in the Labyrinth before I sent you, Asuna and Argo a message... like you uh- had me promise to do..."

Rain: "Haha! You're actually insane! But you invited me to your room, so I guess Lisbeth talked you out of that? ... good girl, that Lisbeth."

Y/N: "Hm? Didn't catch that last bit?"

Rain: "That doesn't matter, just lemme know how I can help you today!"

Y/N: "Well, I was wondering if- would you want to join me and duo the Floor Boss?"

Rain: "wha- just the two of us?! Why me?"

Y/N: "y-yeah... well, it's because the two of us were in the Labyrinth earlier this week so I... I suppose I know that you could handle yourself if you joined me..."

Rain: "And you'd get a much lesser punishment if you had someone with you and didn't solo it again right?!"

Y/N: "... that too I suppose!"

Rain: "Hehehe! Well, I have been training in the Labyrinth by myself since that initial boost you gave me, so I'm sure I'll do just fine as long as you're by my side... sure, I'm in!"

Y/N: "Oh, good. I was kinda worried that you'd just try and stop me!"

Rain: "And what would that accomplish? We need to clear these floors and I've complete confidence that you can handle it yourself, but if I can go with you to provide a layer of insurance then I will! ... Plus, if you'll forgive my selfishness: it'll do good for my reputation with the big guilds in the future if I'm part of these Boss Clears when we get to a point where you can't solo these Bosses and have to rely on the masses!"

Y/N: "hmmm, that's a good point. Are you ready to go then?"

Rain: "n- Now?!"

Y/N: "Well, yeah? Oh! I can repair your equipment now if you need me to before we head out?"

Rain: "I guess you're itching to get to the next floor then?! My equipment's fine, I'm ready."

. . .

We were making our way out of the town and on our way to the Labyrinth when a familiar voice accosts us.

???:  "So where are ya two kids headin' off too this early in the mornin' hmm?"

Rain: "Argo... pretty sure we're the same sorta age aren't we?"

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