Chapter 129: Resurrected Evils

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Philia: "Huh! You really have been going through quite a bit these past couple days eh!"

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Philia: "Huh! You really have been going through quite a bit these past couple days eh!"

Y/N: "sigh Tell me about it! I still don't really understand what was up with Yui..."

Philia: "Hmmm... I've got a couple ideas but... well, I've yet to meet your new friends so I'll withhold my thoughts for now. Until we figure out how to get me back to Aincrad at least!"

Y/N: "Hopefully sooner than later, right!"

Philia: "Right! I'm sure we'll stumble upon something sooner or later! We just gotta!"

Y/N: "Exactly! There's definitely something, we just need to find it!"

Philia: "Hey look... there are some players over there..."

Y/N: "ph-Philia? Keep your head down. d-Don't let them see us."

Philia: "wh-...? okay."

. . .

Cloaked Figure 1: "You sure took your time

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Cloaked Figure 1: "You sure took your time... Did you run into any trouble?"

Cloaked Figure 2: "Well... The target was a bit tougher than expected..."

Cloaked Figure 1: "What a pathetic excuse!"

Y/N: "i-is that...? no..."

Cloaked Figure 1: "I don't want to see you messing around again!"

Y/N: "but how...? how is he here?"

PoH... The leader of the orange guild: Laughing Coffin... But what is he doing here? And how is he still alive? I killed him!

PoH: "Right. Now for our next target... Hmmm?"

Y/N: (Uh-oh... I think we've been spotted!)

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