Chapter 65: Birthday Special

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Lisbeth: "Up and at 'em U/N!"

Y/N: "zzz..."

Lisbeth: "Come on, you should really get up now!"

Y/N: "zzz..."

*prod* *prod*

Lisbeth: "Geeeet uppppp!"

Y/N: "mmmm... zzz..."

Lisbeth: "d'awww, you look kinda cute sleeping like that..."

*prod* *prod*

Lisbeth: "Come on U/N, I'm trying to help you out here! Wake up!"

. . .

Y/N: "mmmornin' Liz..."

Lisbeth: "Good morning sleepy head!"

Y/N: "wwwwhat's up? You don't normally wake me up, what time is it?"

Lisbeth: "You don't remember?! It's your birthday you doofus!"

Y/N: "o- oh... right, I forgot about that..."

Lisbeth: "Of course you did! That's just like you!"

Y/N: "..."

Lisbeth: "I'll leave you to wake up and get dressed, don't take too long though!"

Y/N: "Thanks... do you know what's happening then?"

Lisbeth: "I do, but that would spoil the surprise though! You just have to wait and see!"

Y/N: "... great."


Y/N: "... you keep checking your menu, should I be worried?"

Lisbeth: "haha! no... no, don't you worry your little head over it!"

Y/N: "..."

Lisbeth: "All you have to do is stay right here, relax! It shouldn't be too much longer now!"

*Knock! Knock!*

Lisbeth: "Ah, there they are! Finally!"

Y/N: "They? h- How many are we expecting?"

*Knock! Knock!*

Lisbeth: "I told you to stop worrying about it! Relax! Now, I'm going to go open that door for them, I better not turn around to see you trying to jump out a window or something!!"

Y/N: "I didn't even think about that..."

Lisbeth: "And you better not think anymore of it! Okay?"

Y/N: "... Sure, okay."

*Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock!*

Lisbeth: "So impatient!"

Lisbeth then heads towards the door to let in the impatient party behind, the ones whom felt it necessary to make such a racket so early in the morning whilst all I could bring myself to do was twiddle my thumbs, dreading whatever came next...

*Lisbeth's POV*

I get to the door and unlock it, I then open it with maybe a little more force than was necessary, but their insistence to hammer away at the door deserved some sort of reaction at least!

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