Chapter 13: Compulsory Quest Complete!

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The Crippled status effect is my least favourite thing about this game. Definitely.

Rain: "Phew! So glad that's finally over! Here, need a hand?"

She extended a hand to me, still on the ground from that encounter, I accept and let her pull me back to my feet.

Y/N: "Thanks.. I don't ever want to fight a crippling boss again!"

Rain: "Well, the only reason it almost got you was because you had to... " she muttered the second half of the sentence under her breath.

. . . I'll let it stay that way, I never liked being pressured to speak up in these sorta situations

Y/N: "...Well, let's see what your reward is for this damned quest then!"

Rain: "uh- yeh, it better be something great!"

Y/N: "There's the chest. Open 'er up I guess!"

Rain: "Well, here goes!"

She then made her way over to the chest, I followed closely behind- there might be another trap or event before this quest is over, and I don't plan to separate from Rain again until we're out of this dungeon.

Rain: "Open Sesame!"

. . .

Rain: "That's quite a bit of Col! That'll pay for my weapon enhancements later... you're still okay with helping me out with that right U/N?"

Y/N: "Of course, but was that all? Doesn't seem worth the risk..."

Rain: "uhhhhh... no, there's some typical lootables as well... oh! I also got a first-clear drop too: Crippling Club."

Y/N: "The same thing the boss used? Thank god that isn't a standard drop. I worry what'd happen if the wrong players got a hold of that club... hopefully that's the only way a player can Cripple another player..."

Rain: "Yeah, like you said before, I don't want to fight another Crippling enemy ever again, and what do you mean it'd be bad for players to have it? Wouldn't it really help for crowd controlling mobs and bosses?"

Y/N: "It would be great for that yeh, but it would also be a fantastic way to shut down even the strongest players and kill them-"

Rain: "-but, if we die in the game... we die in real life! Why would anyone kill anybody in here? We're all trapped here together right?"

Y/N: "... some people are less than good, I'm sure at least one player would kill another just because the victim got a good drop from a mob that the killer wanted."

Rain: "..."

Y/N: "uhm, listen... if you don't plan to use that club yourself, don't sell it to anyone else. I'll buy it from you for more than market price. I'm worried what would happen if that club entered player circulation."

Rain: "I promise. If I decide it's not for me, I'll give it to you. You saved my life, and... I- ... I trust you."

It seemed like she changed what she was going to say again, I wonder what's on her mind? I won't push it though...

Y/N: "..w- Well! Let's get out of this accursed dungeon then I suppose! I need to give my map data and dungeon info to Argo, but later we can meet up and I can refine that sword of yours, sound good?"

Rain: "Sounds great, but I don't want you running off on me, so I need a way to keep track of you!"

She then goes to her menu and presses a couple buttons before a menu appears on my screen:

[Rain has sent you a friend request]
[         ACCEPT [O] DECLINE [ X ]         ]

<Author's Note: Forgot until this chapter that the SAO fontstyle uses blue O's in place of ticks for confirmation. From now on I will use this >

I hit the accept button to her request, she gave another of her, apparently signature, bright smiles.

Rain: "Well then, let's get out of here and then you can take a break from me for a bit!"


Argo: "Heh, so you didn't get bested yet then U/N!"

Y/N: "Well, almost. That was the lowest my health's ever been and we both almost died... but yeh, we're still aliv-"

Argo: "-almost died?! I thought this'd be some nice downtime for ya, doin' some low level quests n' all! Details, now."

Y/N: "... i was gonna get there, you told me I owe you the dungeon map data and quest info right?"

Argo: "uh.. right, that I did... So, spill the beans- how sloppy were ya?"

I navigate my menu and initiate the process to send Argo the mapping data

Y/N: "Well, the Taurus minions were small fry. A decent duo shouldn't have a problem with it if they're at the same levels... but the boss room was something else..."


Argo: "So he doesn't hit hard, but he slows ya down... so a solo player would lose dps advantage overtime... hmmm, guess it's a group-only quest with a dedicated tank or two then..."

Y/N: "That was my thought process as well"

Argo: "Got any final tips before I lead ya back to the inn to retire?"

Y/N: "He's easy to parry before the cripple stacks too high, just don't take a hit and he shouldn't be an issue... and uh, I need to be somewhe-"

Argo: "-No ya don't. It's late, and the only place ya ever go is out to fight mobs. After ya almost died, I'm not lettin' ya head out again without a good rest... I'd like to hold ya back for a week or so, but that'd only make ya more reckless to catch up on ya damned levelling quota of yours..."

Y/N: "That quota is fuelling your info market for higher-paying players!"

Argo: "I know, I know. I don't like it, but I know ya know ya limits now-"

Y/N: "-and I wasn't planning on grinding tonight, I'm meeting up with Rain to help her out with something she asked about."

Argo: ". . . Ooooh! On a username basis now are we? Did you give her a high-level weapon too? Eh?"

Y/N: "...damn it, Philia!"

Argo: "Ya didn't deny it!"

Her smug aura... I really dislike it right now...

Argo: "So what she after then? Go on, fill ol' Argo in!"

Y/N: "Sounds like info worth selling to me. It's value only goes up with time right? Think we'll sit on it for now..."

Argo: "... I'm really not liking how smart ya getting with my business..."

Y/N: "Well, I kept my promise, all the reparations for my mid-boss solo clear right? If that's all, I'm off for now."

Argo: "I best not be hearin' about ya clearin' any more bosses by yerself now alright? I get ya don't like to party up with others, but at least wait for the raid group so ya not in it alone. 'Kay?"

I start to make my way away from Argo, on my way to find Rain so she can hand me back that sword and I can enhance her own. After that I do plan to retire for the night, after that though... who knows?

Y/N: ". . . I'm not going to lie to you Argo, I can't promise that. Sorry."

<1119 words>

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