Chapter 148: Catch Up!

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* Y/N'S POV *

Philia: "I did, I did! I promise! Geez, you don't have to worry so much over me anymore!"

Y/N: "Well, I was half expecting for you to come and knock on my door again last night like you did the first night, but you never did... I just wanted to check that you actually did get some rest and that you didn't just sit awake all night!"

Philia: "Hey! I'm not you! I just... sleeping on a bed that first night felt way too weird for me! It definitely helped to have you with me then, but, well... I got used to it! I guess I just forgot how comfortable it was to sleep on a real bed, and you helped me to remember that. So, uh... thanks!"

Y/N: "Oh? Well, I'm glad to hear that. But, well, whilst you're awake... Want to head down for breakfast?"

Philia: "Hmm? Oh, sure! But uh... let me just get changed, alright? You can come inside and take a seat whilst you wait, if you want?"

Y/N: "Oh, uh... sure."

I guess I'd just gotten so used to sharing the one-roomed Administration Area with Philia that it completely skipped my mind that she probably shouldn't be wearing such 'casual clothing' when she heads down to the ground floor for some breakfast. Normally, back in the Hollow Area, she'd usually be found in her sleepwear until we were ready to head on out to the Hollow Area... or if we knew that one of our friends from Aincrad was due to visit, like when I was training Sinon or when Lisbeth visited to help with mining.

And so, as invited, I stepped inside Philia's room and shut the door behind me. And, whilst I took a seat at one of Philia's sofas, the owner of the room had made her way off into her bedroom so that she could freshen up and get changed on the other side of the wall. Of course, with everything being done through a menu, that isn't really necessary. But even still, it's probably just years upon years of habit that never really needed to be kicked— after all, everyone is entitled to their privacy.

Philia: "All done! You may now begin complementing me! Hehe!"

Philia: "All done! You may now begin complementing me! Hehe!"

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Y/N: "...But... isn't this the same thing you always wear?"

Philia: "Huh?! Hmph! You never learn! No matter how many times I teach you... Never!"

Y/N: "I... I don't get it. It's not like you ever compliment me and I wear the exact same equipment day in and day out. What's the difference?"

Philia: "Oh... I, uh... I guess I never thought about that... before... huh..."

Y/N: "Don't mind it. I don't really care for compliments anyways, as long as you're all safe and well, that's all I need from my friends. But enough of that stuff, let's just head down and get a good table before they're all taken up."

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