Chapter 152: Second Sniper

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It's been a couple of days since U/N and Asuna's duel that they had as part of their agreement to reaching Floor 80. In fact, we now had access to Floor 81 now too technically. Although we've all been warned to not try and head out onto the Field of any of the newer Floors just yet. I guess that makes sense, because the mobs are really quite high-levelled now.

I heard that Argo was the one managing access to these new Floors mobs too. Players have to give her some decent proof that they have the level and equipment suited to a new Floor's mobs. I remember there was a bit of grumbling about it at first, all these top-levelled players aren't usually used to being restricted like this after all. But fortunately Asuna and Kirito had stepped up and laid down the law enough to prevent any dissention.

Normally I would totally agree with this sort of rule because I'm friends with U/N, and they would always be allowed to go onto a Floor no matter the regulations and I could just tag along with them. But... I haven't seen U/N at all since Rain showed up here on Floor 76! From the best I could tell, the two of them spent the entire day out in the Hollow Area together. I thought that once U/N finally got Philia back home safely from that place that we'd be able to spend more time together again, and I was kinda hoping that they'd help me with levelling up my forging skills together... like they said that they would...

???: "Good morning, Liz!"

???: "Good morning, Liz!"

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Lisbeth: "Hmm? Oh. Mornin' you three..."

Asuna: "...Everything alright, Liz? You sound a bit off..."

Lisbeth: "Oh, I'm fine. Just thinking about stuff, I guess."

Kirito: "Oh yeah? What sort of stuff?"

Lisbeth: "I dunno... What I'm going to be doing today, I suppose?"

Yui: "Huh? But then why do I sense that you are so sad...?"

Asuna: "y–Yui! I thought we told you to stop reading people's emotions like that!"

Yui: "Oh... I'm sorry mama..."

To this, Asuna and Kirito both simply sighed aloud. I could see that Yui was now looking pretty distraught over this. And, to be honest? It really didn't bother me all that much. It's not like Asuna wouldn't have figured it out herself anyways, she's always been good at looking out everyone in this group of friends, and in a way that nobody else could.

Lisbeth: "It's fine, don't worry about it. I wouldn't say I'm sad either, Yui. More like... I dunno, a bit annoyed or frustrated, I guess?"

Asuna: "Oh, really? Did something happen?"

Kirito: "Has it got something to do with that fetch quest on Floor 79? I heard a bunch of lower-levelled players were struggling with it."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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