Chapter 16: Mining for Lisbeth

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It had been a little while since I'd been back on the First Floor. Granted there was really no reason for me to do so; all the mobs down here would be inefficient to grind against at this point and the few mob drops I would like to keep decent stock of I still have a decent amount of, mostly just the Nepenthes Leaves at this point.

But this time I'm down here to pick up some iron ore for this girl Lisbeth, apparently most the smiths at the moment don't have the greatest reputation at the moment- a lot of them have been scamming people either of player's resources or the weapons they entrusted to these smiths.

I know all of this because the entire time travelling here Lisbeth has been talking my ear off, I can't tell if she's the type that can just talk with anyone or if she's been bottling all this in. The topics are so sporadic, from smithing questions to her favourite mobs to fight...

Lisbeth: "And the food on the Second Floor is SO much better than anything on the First Floor, I was getting so tired of the stale bread! But now with the whole cow thing there are so many dairy meals and snacks!"

However food seems to be her favourite topic, she seems to be quite the foodie.

Lisbeth: "Oh! I've been talking your ear off this whole time we've been walking, sorry! But now I'm kinda curious, what's your favourite food?"

Y/N: "Oh, uh.. I suppose of the store-bought stuff I quite like the Moo Moo Cheesecake, I'm glad there's not a realistic system in place for weight gain because of how often I have one as a treat! What about you?"

Lisbeth: "Excuse me! You can't just ask that of a lady!"

Y/N: "wha-? Oh! uumm sorry. That's not what I meant, I was uh- asking what your favourite food was..."

Lisbeth: "OH! I'm so sorry! I didn't realise!"

Y/N: "th- that's okay. I should have been more clear. That's my bad."

Lisbeth: "Aah, I just asked for your input and then shouted at you, this must be leaving a real bad impression of me right? . . . As for favourite food... I'm not sure? I guess I haven't found that perfect thing yet. But I'm sure I will somewhere in this world!"

Y/N: "That's a good way to think about it, to have something to fight for other than just escaping I mean... a goal you can reach for sooner rather than later."

Lisbeth: "Right! So, what about your goal?"

Y/N: "My goal?"

Lisbeth: "Well yeah! You seem to be doing quite well for yourself, and you're the nicest smith I've met so far, what's driving you?"

Y/N: "I... I dunno, I mean... it may be a death game, but it's still a game- I quite like the mechanics and features included. So I suppose finding more fun things to do would be my secondary goal?"

Lisbeth: "I can see that I guess, I mean I get a thrill out of using this mace of mine... but I..."

Y/N: "Ah, we're here. This is the best deposit of iron ore I've found so far."

Lisbeth: "Oh really, we're here already? That was faster than I expected!"

Y/N: "Yeh, I suppose it's so it doesn't take too much time to go between this ore deposit and town to smelt- assuming you have a permanent smithy that is, they are much more efficient than the portable version so if you do decide to spec heavily into it as a skill, I would recomment saving up for a smithy... I suppose then you could set up a weapon shop that can enhance and repair gear."

Lisbeth: "Oh really, we can do that! Cool!"

Y/N: "From what I understand, yeh... I suppose for now I'll have to mine all of this as you don't have the skill yet so you wouldn't be able to gather it as efficiently as I can. Then we can make our way to the labyrinth and pass through to the Second Floor. It's closer than the teleport plaza is at least..."

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