Chapter 31: Consoling

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Y/N: "huff huff huff"

I've been running with Lisbeth in my arms for the past couple minutes, these wolves have been chasing me the entire time. Thankfully when they do manage to hit me with their attacks it does little damage to my total health pool because I can't stop to deal with them with Lisbeth like this.


It's just like how she was in the First Floor Boss Room, crumpled within herself and completely unresponsive to her surroundings. Her health is still dangerously low so I can't risk her getting hit a single time so I have to make it back to the Safe Zone like this.


I don't exactly know which direction it is either, I can't exactly check the map in this state, so I'm just running along the path, it's got to lead somewhere right?


I just hope I don't run into any low-levelled players, there's not as many Wolves now but its still a dangerous amount to lead to a group of players not expecting to have to deal with them...


Y/N: "argh."

Damnit, I've been trying to stifle my reactions to these attacks, I don't want to worry Lisbeth any more than she probably already is... come on Zumfut, where are you? - 


Archers? . . .

???: "Adventurers! You have made it to the outskirts of Zumfut, do not fret. We guards will handle these monsters that have chased you back to sanctuary!"


Oh, I've never interacted with the town's local guards before, but it makes sense that they would prevent mobs from being led into town.

Y/N: "Thank you for your help!"

NPC Guard: "Nay, it is our duty to protect this town from encroaching evils and ne'er-do-wells!"


NPC Guard: "You should head inside fair adventurer and see to your friend that you cling so tightly to."

Y/N: "... r-right, yeh. We'll be heading in now. Thanks again!"


I then pass through the large cast-iron gate that leads into the town whilst the guards continue to pelt the horde of wolves with arrows, I didn't notice it before but now that we're back in the Safe Zone I can feel Lisbeth's fingers gripping tightly to a piece of clothes that wasn't covered by my equipment... I don't know what to do now, I guess I'll take her back to my inn room like I did last time, give her a totally safe place to reside in until she's back to her normal self... will she return? She just watched her friends die in front of her, how does someone come back from that?

I begin to walk towards the Baobab tree that was hollowed out for player residence, no longer in a life-and-death situation I am able to MacGyver my hand to access my inventory and equip my generic cloak without disturbing Lisbeth. I did this not only to hide my identity but also Lisbeth's, I don't want any rumours coming of this for both our sakes.

. . .

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