Chapter 27: Kizmel the Dark Elf

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Dark Elf: "Humans, this does not concern you. Keep your distance!"

Forest Elf: "Yeah, this is between the Forest Elves and the traitors-"

Dark Elf: "-Traitors? Stay your tongue knave and return that which you have stolen!"

At that point myself, Asuna and Kirito had placed ourselves between the Dark Elf and Forest Elf with our weapons all pointing towards the Forest Elf.

Forest Elf: "So... this is to be a reckoning."
shout out to you if you get that reference! >

And just like that, the combat begins. 

The Forest Elf charges at his opponents only to be parried and combo'd with Sword Skills by the three newcomers. But his health didn't fall all that much.

Asuna: "You weren't wrong about them being Elite-level Kirito, but I'm sure the three of us can do this!"

After a little while we had gotten into a working rhythm.


I would play the role of Vanguard and parry any attacks the Forest Elf attempted to make and then switch out of the way for Kirito and Asuna to lay into him. It was going well enough, but it was quite slow and being a human enemy it'll only be so long before he adjusts his strategy to ruin ours.


Forest Elf: "Eurgh! You meddlesome humans!"


He's charging a sword attack?! Guess he's switching it up now!

Kirito: "Change of plan U/N, I'll parry and you two attack! Switch!"


Kirito: "Switch!"

Asuna and I quickly dart in to take advantage of the once again parried Forest Elf, both of us charging up a sword skill each.

Asuna's was a quick flurry of multiple stabs:

Mine however was only a handful of stabs but with a 300% damage boost for each:

The problem with that sword skill is that it leaves me vulnerable for a long time after using it, but with Kirito and Asuna by my side I'm not too worried... plus it did a huge chunk of damage to his health bar.

Forest Elf: "Ooof! I didn't expect the one that only parried my attacks to hit so hard!"

He was currently keeled over and holding a hand over his newly gained wounds whilst he leaned on his sword that he had stabbed deep into the earth to help keep him upright.

Kirito: "Push the advantage you two! Before he recovers!"

Asuna: "On it! Let's finish this U/N!"

Again we began charging up our sword skills, with intent to finish this fight here.

Asuna with her flurry:

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