Chapter 114: Songstress' Day

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Monday 29th July, 2024 - a month before the Laughing Coffin Headquarters Raid & four months before Floor 75 was cleared.


We were just about to start a Floor Boss Raid meeting for the 69th Floor, all of the usual attendees were now here, which is why I was surprised to hear doors opening in the distance- meaning that someone else was arriving.

The door to the meeting slowly opened, and the player that came through the door really surprised me. So much so that I couldn't help myself running up to them to talk:

Asuna: "Oh! U/N! It's been a while since we've seen you here at one of these pre-raid meetings!"

Y/N: "mhm... I suppose it has."

Asuna: "... Hey? You've uh- we've been wondering about you, you know... You just seem to have been... out of it for a while now, since that time with Griselda and the Golden Apple Guild, right? Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it at all?"

Y/N: "There's nothing to talk about, I'm fine Vice Commander."

Asuna: "B-But then what about that thing that happened with Lisbeth, up on that snowy mountain? When you told her that you only came to rescue her and Kirito because I asked you to... Have you still been avoiding her? Do you want to talk... at all, maybe?"

Y/N: "No, I'm fine. I only came here to listen and well... I didn't really feel up to talking today... sigh Never mind, I think I'm just going to go elsewhere actually. Hope you guys have a productive meeting."

Asuna: "Wait! Don't... go..."

They were already gone.

Kirito: "Heh, so what did you say to them that scared U/N off like that so quickly?"

Asuna: "I uh-... I guess I came on a little strong with the wanting to talk, didn't I...?"

Argo: "Eh, don't blame yerself Aa-chan! U/N's been pretty distant with the lot of us for a good couple months now. If I had to guess, I'd say that havin' Lisbeth move outta their room like she did was probably the reason they reverted back to their isolatin' tendencies."

Kirito: "Huh? Why do you think that Argo?"

Argo: "Ehhh, well... we all know the type'a person that U/N is, right?"

Asuna: "Far too happy to solo anything and everything they can?"

Argo: "Right you are Aa-chan! And now, without someone to share a room with, U/N's able to keep their distance from us all and they can do exactly as they please without repercussions-"

Kirito: "-Well... unless they bite off too much and-"

Asuna: "-KIRITO!"

Argo: "He's right though Aa-chan, nobodies moderatin' what they do anymore. I've been hearin' a lot of intel that they're headin' all over the place and explorin' every dungeon they come across."

Kirito: "Hmm, that doesn't sound like them? Normally they're easy enough to find by just heading deep into the most recently cleared Floor!"

Argo: "Right! I thought it was all hearsay too, but... I decided to seat myself in front of a recently revealed dungeon on the 53rd Floor the other day and U/N walked right by me! I tried getting their attention but all they did was nod at me before they pulled a Teleport Crystal and went to the 54th Floor!"

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