Chapter 84: Sleeping Sentinel

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Y/N: "Hmmm... that should be enough to deal with this thing... now to head to that Silver Leaf Inn those sketchy players were talking about."

I remember that I wrote a note for myself within my menu by using my messages to Kirito as a draft, we haven't traded messages between us in at least six months, we hardly even speak a word to each other in person during boss fights so I don't regret using him to store my notes like this... although I have a lot of information stored here I'd rather keep to myself, I really hope I never accidentally send this draft!

Y/N: "Okay. Well, I got what I came for so I guess I should leave my room and head for Room 34 and hopefully find Griselda before anything happens!"

Speaking of looking through messages, I realised why I recognised Griselda's name, she's the leader of that Golden Apple guild, they were quite the big name earlier on but now they're mostly a mid-floor guild with a couple of members of their Guild who act as neutral reserves for Boss Fights.

I wonder why someone's got such a grudge against her? 

* * *

Okay, so this should be the place... and I think that guy said he had a way of getting into the room, so I can't rule out that it's a corrupt manager or something who's selling out the players sleeping in their rooms to player killers for money... so I can't bring this to the faculty.

Concierge Player: "Hello, can I help you with something today?"

Y/N: "uh- hello... I'm just looking to visit a friend who's staying here is all. That's okay right?"

Concierge Player: "Sure sure! Just try not to disturb the other patrons please!"

. . .

Room 30... Room 31... Room 32... Room 33... and here's Room 34!


After knocking on the door I could hear a muffled voice from the other side of the door.

???: "Hm? Who is it?"

Y/N: "Uh... h- hey, is this Griselda?"

???: "Who's asking?"

Y/N: "It's U/N - we've met a couple of times before... can we talk for a moment?"

The door then swings open, revealing a somewhat familiar face.

Griselda: "Oho! It really is you! And to what do I owe the pleasure from the front lines hmm?"

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Griselda: "Oho! It really is you! And to what do I owe the pleasure from the front lines hmm?"

Y/N: "It's kinda hard to explain, do you mind if I come in for a moment?"

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