Chapter 6: Agil & His Friends

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We had just beaten the first floor boss, we should all have been celebrating as a group, but instead the raid team is splintering into two factions and strong contributors are being pushed away-

Speaking of, I'm walking alongside U/N right now, up the spiral staircase of the boss room we had just conquered, hopefully it won't be our last! But for now let us move to the Second Floor and see whether it's still the same as the beta testers recalled it to be.

. . .

We walked in silence until we finally saw what passed for daylight in this world, upon reaching the surface of the Second Floor we were greeted by the settlement Urbus about a kilometre away, and just like in the beta it is submerged in a crater with a savannah realm surrounding it.

From the elevated position we were at, we could see a lot of the floor- it was a refreshing change from the last floor that we had spent almost a month clearing. 
We took several more steps down towards ground level, that's when we heard that oh-so-familiar sound, of mobs spawning: Trembling Cows, I suppose these are the fodder mobs that lower levels will use to level up before pushing further into the fie-


I was so engrossed in the new floor that I completely forgot about U/N, I turn around ready to console them to see them with a fist clenched to their chest and a large smile on their face whilst tears trail from his eyes. I follow their eyes to see that of all the things that could have inspired them, it was ... the Trembling Cows?!

Agil: "Good to see you're still going strong, but surely those fodder mobs aren't worth your time. Considering your gear you're probably good to take a break until everyone else is ready to do this boss!"

Y/N: ".. I don't want the Cows for their exp... I want their material drops, from what I remember from the beta testers this floor had mobs which dropped beef- I can only assume its those cows"

Agil: "Oh! Looking to cook a nice Rib-Eye Steak?"

Y/N: "Eh. Maybe I will down the line, I never really was a fan of steaks.."

Agil: "So what are you working towards? .. if you don't mind my asking of course!"

Y/N: "... burgers. I used boar meat back on the first floor with Nepenthes Leaves and a vial of pulp of those red fruits that kinda resembled Ketchup. It wasn't bad, but I'm looking forward to beef burgers again... but... nobody in the beta ever really tried cooking, and when you have the cooking skill some mobs will drop extra cooking-related materials. I'm hoping that those cows also drop milk."

Agil: "For cheese?"

They nod

Agil: "I could go for a cheeseburger, my parents used to do the best barbeque... mind if I join you for half an hour or so? Of course all the beef I get will head your way!"

Y/N: "I'd really appreciate it, and then I can try making us some beef burgers. But my cooking level isn't too high yet so uh- don't expect too much of me please!"

Agil: "oh? Well from what I heard from our mutual pal Kirito, you made excellent boar burgers for him and his partner last night! But the longer we stand here, the longer before we can get a hold of that beef! So what do say we party up and get started?"

I go through my menu to send them a party request to which they look at me for a moment, smile and nod, pressing the accept button on their menu.

Y/N: "Sure!"

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