Chapter 128: Bathing for Three

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Leafa: "Sooooo... you three know each other then I gather, U/N?"

Y/N: "I'd say we know each other pretty well, yeah! But I didn't expect to see you guys up here too soon, especially you Sanya- you do know you can't go back down to the First Floor from here, right?"

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Y/N: "I'd say we know each other pretty well, yeah! But I didn't expect to see you guys up here too soon, especially you Sanya- you do know you can't go back down to the First Floor from here, right?"

Sanya: "Unfortunately, yes, as that is still the case. But I have done my utmost to safeguard the children's last few months to come being trapped in this world, and I have faith that Miss Sasha and Sachi can attend to the children's daily wants and needs without fail for the final few months that remain."

Koharu: "Plus your little sister is still down there for the time being, and she's just as good with the kids as you are U/N!"

Leafa: "y-You have a little sister in here?! You never mentioned that...?"

Y/N: "It's news to me too! Hmmm... Oh! You wouldn't happen to mean Lux, would you?"

Sanya: "The very same! So, are you saying that the two of you are not of the same ilk?"

Y/N: "Well... I mean... not that I was aware of! Did uh... was that something that Lux came up with?"

Koharu: "...w-well... uhhhh... n-not exactly..."

Sanya: "Heh, it was actually my partner's assumption that you two were related-"

Koharu: "-s-Sanya! It's not my fault! She never corrected me whenever I mentioned it!"

Sanya: "Hmm, I suppose that what you say is true... and also, from an outsider's perspective, it did indeed seem as if there was a familial bond between the two of you too."

Leafa: "Awww! You two sound like quite the pair! But uhmm... if you two were so close, then why isn't she up here too? With you?"

Sanya: "...ah..."

Koharu: "Oh, look who's gone all sheepish all of a sudden!"

Sanya: "w-well I... sigh"

Y/N: "From what I understand, Lux was going to arrive on Floor 76 alongside Silica, back on that first day, right after clearing Floor 75 and discovering the bugs of Floor 76. But a certain 'Silver Witch' might have been involved in keeping her housed in the First Floor Orphanage alongside the other children. Am I right?"

Sanya: "... more or less. b-But I did it with the best of intentions! I uh... I actually meant to keep little Silica safe too, but she was quite insistent on running away from me and she slipped out of my grasp and got to the Teleport Gate."

Koharu: "Heehee! It was quite humorous to watch! I wish I had a recorder crystal!"

Sanya: "k-Koharu! You're meant to be on my side!"

Leafa: "Ahaha! You two certainly seem to be pretty good friends!"

Y/N: "A reliable pair to have beside you out in the Fields too, they're not too bad in the Boss Rooms either!"

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