Chapter 115: All Caught Up

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It had been about two weeks since I first took Sinon out to the Hollow Area to help her train up and get to a safe level where she could safely explore the Fields of Floor 76 like she had been wanting to.

She wasn't quite there yet, but she was definitely getting close! And now that I was confident she had a strong enough understanding of combat I gave her the same training experience as I did with Silica: in that I would use my Training Spear to reduce the mobs down to a single health point before switching with Sinon to clean up and reap the majority of the gained experience.

*stab* *stab* *stab*

Y/N: "Sinon! Switch!"

Sinon: "Got it. Hyaaa!"


Sinon: "Hm... Another level up... cool."

Y/N: "So that makes you what...? Level 84 now, right?"

Sinon: "Yeah... How much longer do you think this will take?"

Y/N: "Well, Leafa was Level 82 I think when I first took her out to the Field on Floor 76. So if you really wanted to you could just train in Aincrad now, and you could get someone else to team up with you if you're uh- getting sick of me?"

Sinon: "Hmmm... but the mobs in Aincrad give less experience, right? It makes sense for me to keep levelling in here until... what level do I have to be to fight in the Boss Fight?"

Y/N: "The Boss Fight?! You want to be involved with that?!"

Sinon: "I told you. I don't want to be useless. I'm going to be strong, strong enough that I can stand on my own."

Y/N: "But I don't think you understand, Sinon. With the Boss Fights, you have to work as a group and co-ordinate your attacks as a team... you can't fight them on your own... not anymore, those days have long gone unfortunately..."

Sinon: "Not anymore...? What do you mean?"

Y/N: "I used to solo Floor Bosses... it was fun, and I felt like I was helping us to really progress and get out of here... But that isn't an option, not anymore... trust me, I would if I could!"

Sinon: "You used to solo Floor Bosses? Really? ... I see why they respect you, the others I mean. You are surprisingly strong... despite how you look."

Y/N: "I see... w-well, I'd like to think they don't just keep me around because I can fight well! a-Although..."

Sinon: "Although what?"

Y/N: "... n-nothing, don't worry about it. So, do you want to keep levelling up in here or are you ready to head back?"

Sinon: "Hmm? There is still hours left in the day, I think I would like to keep levelling in here whilst the exp is good, if you'll keep watching over me?"

Y/N: "Sure! I can do that for you, no worries!"


Sinon: "It's getting quite late... I should probably head back before Asuna starts to worry..."

Y/N: "Good idea! (Although she's been sending me messages all day checking up on you that  I've been replying to...) So, you're level 92 now, right? You should be more than fine to head out into the Field now- well, as long as you have a friend or two in your party."

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