Chapter 28: Change of Plans

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*Short timeskip since the last chapter*

Asuna: "I know you said you're happy to do this, but you haven't done any levelling on this floor yet. If it's too hard there's no shame in backing out and trying it later okay?"

Kirito: "Yeah, it seems this is a separate quest to the main questline, I don't think there's anything about it in the quest guide, but this is also the first time Kizmel survived the fight with the Forest Elf..."

Y/N: "I appreciate the concern, I promise I'll be careful and retreat if it's too much."

Asuna: "That's all we want to hear from you, thanks U/N."

Kirito: "So, are you sticking around camp for the night with us U/N, or are you heading back to town?"

Y/N: "I already spoke with Kizmel, I know the general area that this monster will spawn and she gave me an item I can use to lure and set a trap for it. So I think I'm going to take the option to teleport back to town and then see where I go from there. It's a little too late to fight it today probably."

Asuna: "Yes it is, you see how dark it is in this forest? No way am I going to let you go to hunt a quest mob when you can't see 3 feet in front of you!"

Kirito: "Well, I mean once he's left the camp there's not really much you can do to stop-"

I wondered why he stopped talking, until I looked at the face that Asuna was pulling at him and then I could see why!

Kirito: "-sorry..."

Y/N: "Asuna, I promise I won't start on this quest tonight."

Asuna: "Good. Thank you... we'll see you soon then?"

Y/N: "Yeah, just ping me when you're done with those spiders and I'll find you guys."

Kirito: "For sure, speak to you later then! We should try and find Kizmel now Asuna, to find out where our lodgings are."

Asuna: "Sure, let's go find her then. Buh-bye U/N, speak to you later!"

Y/N: "Bye guys, see you later."

Opening my inventory, I take out the small charm Kizmel had given me earlier and as it began to teleport me I couldn't help but smile...

I wasn't just going back to the town for convenience, but Kizmel told me that there wasn't actually any spare tents and so the three of us players would be sharing a tent with Kizmel. (I guess because usually she'd be dead so it'd be an empty tent?)

Either way, I decided to avoid that situation in favour of my own bed... but not before I grind some of the local mobs for a while. I doubt they'll be done with that Spider Queen before the end of tomorrow so I have plenty of time to spend grinding before I work on this Hunt Quest Kizmel gave me.

. . .

Asuna didn't ask me not to spend my night grinding rather than sleeping after all!

<482 words, sorry it's a little shorter than usual and also a little later, some stuff happened and I ran out of time in the day>

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