Chapter 33: Saving the Dragon Tamer

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Girl: "Please! Leave her alone!"

Bully #1: "That thing is a monster! Do you know how many people have died to these monsters!?"

Bully #2: "We're not gonna hurt you girlie, just hand that thing over... or you can come with us outta the safe zone real quick and we'll deal with it properly."


Turns out the trouble I was hearing was a commotion between three players, it seemed like the two older players were having some issue with that younger girl, I'm not sure entirely what it was about but she seemed genuinely distressed about whatever this was about and considering she was outnumbered and they were a lot older and larger than she was...

I normally wasn't one to step in to altercations like this with my temperament, but only a monster wouldn't help out here surely?


Girl: "Stop! Please, let go off my arm..."

Bully #1: "Just hand over the damned monster and you can go to bed girlie"

Girl: "n-no, please just leave us alone. p-please!"

Bully #2: Come on-

Y/N: "-Hey, she's asking you to leave her alone. Let go off her arm please."

Bully #1: "Get lost, this girl's harbouring a monster in the safe zone. Do you know how dangerous that is?!"

Bully #2: "Yeah! We just want to keep the people safe! What's wrong with that?!"

Y/N: "You got a mob into the safe zone? Isn't that impossible with the guards watching the perimeter?"

Bully #1: "What? Those guards do that?"

Y/N: "Yeah they do, I watched them do it earlier today in fact."

Bully #2: "Bull!"

Y/N: "Believe what you want, but don't wrap other people into it, let her go already."

Bully #1: "And who are you to tell us what to do?"

Y/N: "Does it really matter who I am? Look at her, does she look the type to try and set monsters on people?"

The poor girl, with her arm still being held by one of the bullies was almost at tears at this point...

Bully #2: "Doesn't matter what she looks like, and I still don't know what this has to do with you, clear off punk!"

Y/N: "... well, as you said to her earlier: the fields aren't that far away. How about we settle this between us instead?"

Bully #1: "wha- what are you saying..."

Bully #2: "There's two of us and only one of you, you really wanna go kid?!"

Y/N: "Sure, I've got no problems with that, lemme just equip my gear real quick..."


A couple of clicks through my menu later and I had my highest level weapon and armour equipped, I was certainly banking on the intimidation factor to deal with this... but if worse comes to worst I'm sure I can handle myself. But from the look of these two bullies it seems like I got to them...


Bully #2: "What even is that armour?! Who are you?"

Y/N: "Me? I'm just a front-line clearer, nothing too special. You two must be low-level sightseers if you haven't seen this armour yet, most of us have it at this point."

Well... not really, I imagine most players don't have their armour refined to the extent mine is currently, but hopefully this'll be enough to intimidate them...

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