Chapter 98: Adorable Therapy

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November 4th, 2024 - Three days until the Boss Room on Floor 75 is cleared.

It had been a couple of days since I both met Yui and we said goodbye. Kirito and Asuna had returned back to their home on Floor 22, I came and visited them yesterday to see how they were faring. They were both still visibly upset about the ordeal, but they also had hope that they would meet her again and become a real family once this game was cleared.

They appreciated my appearance and offered for me to come over again today, but I had to turn them down. I have quite an important task to oversee today after all.

Lux: "A-Are you sure it's safe for me to be walking around town like this? I still think I should wear a cloak or something..."

Y/N: "Relax! We're in a Safe Zone, so nothing can happen to you immediately in here, and I'm not going to just let someone steal you away whilst I'm standing right here!"

Lux: "b-But what about your friends? What if they see me walking with you? Won't you get in trouble if they find out who I am?"

Y/N: "Don't you mean who you were forced to be?! Haha... But seriously, my friends are all good people, I'm sure they'd all come to the same conclusion as I did if push came to shove."

Lux: "...They sound like good friends..."

Y/N: "They are, and they'll be your good friends soon too... if you want that, that is?"

Lux: "R-Really? ... but what about my mark? I... I can't have any friends until I get rid of that tattoo, right?"

Y/N: "Heh! So I guess you don't think we're friends then?"

Lux: "W-Wait no! That's not what I meant..."

Y/N: "I know, I'm just messing with you Lux!"

Lux: "Hrmph! Hehe... A-Anyways, where are we going today? We don't normally walk around a town like this..."

Y/N: "Well, I'm good friends with an Info Broker, and I asked her about where one could go if they wanted to get a tattoo... and if they could also remove them, if I decided I didn't like it after all."

Lux: "...b-but-"

Y/N: "-I told her it was for myself, don't worry. Although she did ask to see what it was that I would get... so I might have to get something alongside our uh- main reason for visiting!"

Lux: "Oh hehe! ... b-but wait a second! We're not planning to do that... today, are we?"

Y/N: "Of course! If you're ready that is. But I think it's about time you stop being so afraid to be seen by people, don't you?"

Lux: "i-i-i... i do... but is it safe to do it now? Y-you still haven't found PoH yet, have you?"

Y/N: "Not yet, no. But remember what I told you?"

Lux: "t-that i-i'll be s-safe... w-with-... with you."

I then place an arm behind Lux and place it on her shoulder, the one furthest away from me, and then softly pull her closer and then give her shoulder a couple of pats.

I do this whenever she starts to worry or get worked up over something, it always seems to calm her down

Y/N: "You'll always be safe from them, as long as you're with me... and hopefully, soon- you'll be safe no matter what... once I find that cockroach."

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