Chapter 5: The First Boss

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December 4th, 1st Floor Labyrinth - 15th level of 20, 11:50am - 40 minutes before the First Floor Boss fight begins.

Diabel: "I was wondering where you went during the meeting U/N! Kirito informed me of your particular situation and we would still be most glad to have you as part of the raid team.
However my plan was designed with an even number of players in mind, so a leftover party of 3 worries me somewhat and putting you with a team of six wouldn't do, both for my strategy and for your ... temperament."

After you encountered Kirito and the cloaked player, who you later learned to be named Asuna, they agreed to add you into their party for the time being and Kirito said he was speaking to Diabel later that night anyways so he'd bring up my reinterest in joining the boss raid... as long as you paid them back with one of your custom burgers each which you happily obliged to as it meant more cooking exp for you without wasting materials!

Y/N: "I get that, but I was wondering- from what I understand, Kirito and Asuna are the leftovers and will be playing support to Party E; focusing on the boss's minions."

Diabel: "That's right, I suppose you're wanting to play as a second set of leftovers for party E then? You'd have to do it solo, unless you can find another player willing to duo up with you within the next 35 or so minutes"

Y/N: "Solo is fine by me, I- uh... I know I can handle myself against the minions... not too uh- sound cocky or anything!"

Diabel: "If you were able to navigate and map this entire labyrinth solo, then I have faith in your faith. I'll let party E know they have an extra hand to lessen their load and to keep out of your way"

Y/N: "Thanks Diabel-... and ummm, could I- uh, ask another favour of you perhaps?"

Diabel: "Sounds like this one might be a little more difficult to agree to if you're hesitating already! But I'll see what I can do, shoot."

Y/N: "Would it- that is to say, would there be a point where I could take a swing at the boss?"

Diabel: "Oh? Most of the support team are more than happy to keep as much distance between them and the boss as possible, what is it your after I wonder? You wouldn't know something not in the handbook would you?"

Y/N: "Oh no, nothing like that... I just- before you approached me and Argo that day I was kinda ... slightly considering trying to solo the boss... I think I've overlevelled and in any normal game I would have already taken a swing at it... but I only get one chance in here. So I wanted to take this opportunity to do a DPS check for future reference."

Diabel: "Ah I see your angle now, it makes sense from a gamer's perspective for sure! But as you said, we only get one chance. However, you're only wearing tier 2 equipment- as overlevelled as you may think you are you are definitely under-equipped to solo the bos-"

Y/N: "... this isn't my battle gear, I don't like to equip it unless I need to. To avoid unwanted attention and to preserve durability- oh! But I will equip it during the boss raid. I can understand the hesitation and if it's not possible, but if a moment pops up where you think my attack would be either not a hindrance to the attacking parties or helpful to alleviate their gained hate levels then I'll be ready whenever you need it!"

Diabel: "hmmm, we'll see how it goes and I'll keep it in mind"

Y/N: "Thank you for your time Diabel"

Diabel: "No, thank you for being here with us, especially if you are as strong as you seem to be. But for now, let us make our way to Party E to give them the good news of their reinforcements!"

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