Chapter 60: Reprieve

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I've been laying in bed for the past seven hours, I can't sleep.

I heard Lisbeth come in a while ago, I heard her curiosity when she saw me laying in bed seemingly asleep whilst the sun was still up, warranted I suppose as I'm usually quite efficient with my time. I heard her head into the kitchen, she thanked me out loud for leaving her a portion of dinner again, and then an hour or so later she retired to bed herself.

She's been asleep for the past five or so hours at this point, it's comforting to have her by my side... but I still can't fall asleep.

. . .

I killed someone, no... I killed six people.

. . .

They were murderers, and during the heat of the moment it seemed like the right thing to do. They were actively trying to get me killed too... so it wasn't a one-time thing, they actively seeked out the chance to kill another player. If I didn't kill them then, how many more would they have killed? 

. . .

Who am I to decide who lives and who dies? 

. . .

If it wasn't for Kirito, I'd probably have died yesterday... it was just gossip, he only mentioned it off-hand that he had negative experiences with a player named Morte, that he had stirred up trouble before and that he actively attempted to kill Kirito whilst he was solo around the Elf Camp.

When I heard that player ask me for help, it sounded suspicious... I've heard players with true fear for their friends' lives plead for help. This player only sounded mildly inconvenienced, like it wasn't a real bother that they were trapped down there... and when I asked him for his name I couldn't help but be even more wary of the situation.

Before the murderers in the Boss Room noticed me I took an antidote potion, giving me immunity to debuffs and status conditions for a couple minutes. Meaning that when they threw that Paralysis Shuriken at me it had no effect... if I wasn't so wary then their plan would have worked...

My life could have ended yesterday.
But does that give me the right to kill them?

I can't help but relive it all in my mind, their appearances and their attitudes

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I can't help but relive it all in my mind, their appearances and their attitudes... and then their death screams... and the realisation of hopelessness of those still alive, that they didn't stand a chance against me, and my secondary weapon that nobody else had seen yet... not even my closest friends.

And that's why I keep so many secrets from my friends: my level, my stats, and my alternate choice of weapons and equipment are all things that could be used against me. And as arguably one of, if not the most highest levelled player in Aincrad I'm sure to attract attention both good and bad...

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