Chapter 34: Accommodations

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Outside the room to my inn, I was contemplating whether to even go in, I wouldn't want to wake up Lisbeth if she's still asleep, it's only been a couple hours since she drifted off and she definitely needs the sleep, but I suppose I should be in there if she needs anything- that's reason enough to try and sneak back in, but I should still try and be as quiet as possible to avoid waking her up.

As gently and as quietly as I can I unlock and open the door to my room, immediately I look over to my bed to see Lisbeth is indeed still asleep, she seemed to be quite relaxed judging from the look on her face. I'm glad she's not having a troubled sleep...

But it's a little bit weird to be watching her as she sleeps right? 

Maybe I should just get some sleep for now to burn some time, I did tell Lisbeth that if she needed anything to wake me up or send me a message if I wasn't in the room so I don't think I'll need to stay on overwatch all night.


I woke up before Lisbeth, she must have really needed a good night's rest.

I start working on cooking a couple of breakfast patties and I guess either the noise of me in the kitchen or the smell must have woken her up.

Lisbeth: "mmm... something smells good!"

Y/N: "Oh, good morning Lisbeth, sleep well?"

Lisbeth: "So well! Your bed is so comfortable!"

Y/N: "That's good to hear. Are you okay with a breakfast pattie?"

Lisbeth: "Ah! I thought that's what I was smelling! You're really good at recreating these meals!"

Y/N: "thanks, but actually this is a recipe anyone can make with the cooking skill, but it should at least taste okay because of my cooking level."

Lisbeth: "Way to take the magic outta it!"

Y/N, jokingly: "So, you don't want one?!"

Lisbeth: "Of course I want one! ... Thanks."

. . .

Lisbeth: "mmmMMMMmm! This tastes SO good! You could make so much Col if you sold your cooking!"

Y/N: "But if I did that then I wouldn't have time to keep up my levelling routine... it's something I could consider later on when the floors get harder and take longer to clear I guess"

Lisbeth: "Well when you do I want to be your first customer!"

Y/N: "But customers have to pay right? Think you can afford my prices?!"

Lisbeth: "I'm an up-and-coming blacksmith don't you know! I'll be the one having to cut prices for you thank you very much!"

Y/N: "I'll take you up on that, thanks!"

Lisbeth: "Wai-"

Y/N: "Too late, contract's sealed. We can decide on exact numbers on the later floors when we have a better idea on average Col costs and-"

Lisbeth: "-Hahahaha! Guess you got me... but"

The look in her eyes went from one of joy to someone who was plotting something, should I be worried?!

The look in her eyes went from one of joy to someone who was plotting something, should I be worried?!

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