Chapter 14: Petrichor

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Well, that could have gone better... but it could have gone worse too.
Argo's info is real valuable, and she's a good friend too. I should try to avoid upsetting her too much with my solo antics... 

Well, I guess I should head off and find Rain so I can enhance that sword of hers, I guess I could send a message.


Rain: "Hey U/N! Miss me?"

Y/N: "Hey Rain. Well I could certainly have done with the backup dealing with Argo!"

Rain: "Oh? How bad's the damage?"

Y/N: "hmmmm, not sure. Not great at least."

Rain: "What's the problem? Did you forget to map some corridors or something?"

Y/N: "Nah... I guess it was probably a combo of us both almost dying and that I uh- I told her I couldn't keep a promise she wanted me to make, guess that's a way to put it..."

Rain: "Well, I'm glad you were there- if I went solo I would definitely have died... the problems with solo play I guess! But you know all about that right?"

Y/N: "... yeh ..."

Rain: "Guess whatever's gotten between you and Argo is about you biting off too much solo?"

Y/N: "That obvious?"

Rain: "A little, what have you been biting on?"

Y/N: "It's uh- I don't really want the general populace to know about it... so could you keep it downlow?"

Rain: "Oooh! Now I'm intrigued! Yeh, I'll keep it quiet. Promise!"

Y/N: "I solo'd the mid-boss earlier this week, the Bulbous Bow. 

Rain: "That was you! I heard it was a group of 20 that struggled with it?!"

Y/N: "That was a coverup someone made for me, I don't really want my name too out there you know? Anyways, it was really easy to be honest, just time consuming... a couple of players I'm kinda friends with caught me about half-way through and told on me to Argo- she was kinda mad, she essentially grounded me and then agreed for me to help you in the dungeon as a- I guess like a repentance quest?"

Rain: "Ah, and I guess the promise you couldn't make-"

Y/N: "That I wouldn't try to clear any more boss encounters by myself, in-field or Floor Boss alike"

Rain: "Wait. You planned to solo the Floor Boss?!"

Y/N: ". . .still do-"

Rain: "-Well I'm with Argo on this. What if they have a mechanic like that dungeon boss' Cripple status effect? What if its something worse, something unavoidable? You wouldn't stand a chance alone!"

Y/N: "I..."

Rain: "If you still plan to do the Floor Boss without a raid team to back you up... at least tell me?"

Y/N: "you- "

Rain: "Nope. No debate. You tell me when you plan to raid the Floor Boss and I'm on my way."

Y/N: "... why?"

Rain: "... Argo gave me some background info on you before you showed up, so that I knew you'd be up to the challenge. She told me that you've spent almost all your time in this world out there in the field grinding mobs. That you are her prime source of intel for the frontlines and that you massively over-levelled for the first Floor Boss alongside equipment that'd do you well up to the Fifth Floor easily."

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