Chapter 63: In-Field Therapy

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It had been a couple of minutes since Asuna and I had left the safe zone in search of this unknown threat, neither of us were too troubled about that though currently, Asuna was more interested in answers whilst I was personally quite invested in my immediate survival.

Asuna: "Enough with these half-answers now U/N, please!"

Y/N: "But it's the truth!"

Asuna: "Yes, you've managed to solo a couple of Floor Bosses now, but that's not reason enough to be so... so reckless!"

Y/N: "i- i- It's not reckless though, its calculated! It's always been calculated."

Asuna: "But what if these respawned bosses had some new secret ability or something?! What if the Boss Rooms didn't let you just teleport out of them? What if..."

Y/N: "What if, what?"

Asuna: "What if you... if you mess up even once, you could die out there... alone."

Y/N: "Asuna, I promise that-"

Asuna: "You can't promise something like that! Everybody is capable of making a mistake! It doesn't matter how strong you are, someday you might mess up!"

Y/N: "...sorry."

Asuna: "j- just.. take someone, anyone, with you! ... please?"

Y/N: "I... I can't promise that... but I'll make an effort to try?"

Asuna: "I guess with you that's better than nothing... thanks."

Y/N: "... Sorry for being a pain."

Asuna: "You're not a pain U/N, I'm sure that when I say this I'm speaking for all of us: you really are a great friend to have around. And the fact that you're as strong and reliable as you are in a fight is reassuring in a world where we could die at any point."

Y/N: ". . ."

Asuna: "You're just too selfless, too adamant to do everything for us.. how can we catch up to you when you're running as fast as you can in the opposite direction?!"

Y/N: ". . ."

Asuna: "Why is it that you try to do everything by yourself? Why do you want to go solo in everything."

Y/N: "... it's what I'm used to-"

Asuna: "-That doesn't cut it, not with me. Not in this world, we should all be teaming up for the best chance to survive in here! It might make you a little anxious but at least we'd all stand a better chance of everyone making it out alive!"

Y/N: "*mumbles*"

Asuna: "I didn't hear that, sorry?"

Y/N: "i- I know this won't last for ever, eventually the Bosses will be too much for me to solo... b- but for now, whilst I can hold my own I'd like to play in a way I'm comfortable with..."

Asuna: "Play? This isn't a game, it's a life or death situation!"

Y/N: "i- It's still a game, it was developed as a game first and foremost... the death-game part of it was an afterthought."

Asuna: "..."

Y/N: "I've been thinking about it... I don't really know why I'm trying so hard..."

Asuna: "What do you mean?"

Y/N: "i- I really love it in here, in Aincrad... a world where I can level up my skills, they actually matter and I feel like I'm progressing in here... unlike out there in the other world..."

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