Chapter 81: That Which Preserved Her

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Y/N: "Hey, I know it's been a couple of months, but I got you a Christmas present!"

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Y/N: "Hey, I know it's been a couple of months, but I got you a Christmas present!"

Sachi: "y- you did? You really didn't have to do that..."

Y/N: "I know, but I wanted to... sorry I didn't bring it to you sooner, but at least now seems like a good time!"

Sachi: "Well, thank you U/N... you've been so kind to me since you got stuck with helping my spear training!"

Y/N: "I wouldn't say stuck, I've quite enjoyed our sessions together! And that's why I chose you for this particular gift..."

Sachi: "o- oh?"

Y/N: "Now, uh- this isn't the typical present... I kind of feel bad as its not something you can really... hold."

Sachi: "That's okay! I'm sure it's a great gift, whatever it is, because you got it!"

Y/N: "... h- here. This is it."

Sachi: "A locket? It's really pretty! But I thought you said it wasn't something I could hold?"

Y/N: "Well... t- that's because it's... I don't know how to say this... it's kinda embarrassing..."

Sachi: "Oh? umm..."

Y/N: "The Locket isn't really the gift... I guess this isn't really a gift at all really."

Just say it!

Y/N: "t- This Locket, it's called the Locket of Preserving. It's a quest item for a cooking quest I earned a while back. Anything stored within it won't lose durability or expire as long as I wear it... It's like it freezes the item in time."

Sachi: "Oh? That sounds quite useful, but I don't understand?"

Y/N: "I... don't really have a need to store my cooking materials, what with facilities in my room's kitchen and all... so I wanted to offer you something..."

Sachi: "Offer me something?"

Y/N: "... If I were to trap a part of a player, then should the player die I think it's worth hoping that the player won't truly be counted as dead until all of the player has expired... but trapped within a locket that prevents expiring, surely the player would survive until they can be safely logged out with the rest of the players. Right?"

Sachi: "... You want to store a piece of me in the Locket?"

Y/N: "Well... yeah. I know it sounds a little weird, but something like a lock of hair should work. And hopefully it would work as a lifeline to keep you safe as long as I wear it..."

Sachi: "w- well... I guess it's worth a shot to try it out I suppose... so should I cut off a lock of hair and give it to you?"

Y/N: "I don't think it'd work like that, when you cut your hair it removes the link between you and the cut piece of hair. I think I have to trap it within the locket whilst it's still attached to you."

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