Chapter 1: The Death Game

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View E-Mail
SENDER: Takamine

Hey U/N!
We're about to get on the plane now,
mommy says emails don't work on planes.
So we'll have to wait until I land again.
This will be my first time on a plane,
and it is all thanks to my sister.
I'm so proud of her!

E-mail you soon!

Takamine (AKA: Kureha! :3 )

8 years ago... that was when she sent that last email to me... I'm still not entirely sure on the specifics but I knew her having to leave had to do with her sister, whom was a bona fide genius, and she got a huge opportunity and the rest of her family went with her, including Kureha.

Whilst not her real name, it was the nickname that I gave her back when I was way younger — it was an alternative reading of her real life name, Momiji Takamine.

I hate to admit it, but back then it really felt like she had just abandoned me, and that she didn't really want to be my friend anymore. But now that I have grown older and a fair bit wiser, it is much easier to see that this wasn't the case, but I still had never replied to her... it'd be too awkward at this point, I suppose? 

I wasn't entirely sure why I had decided to look up this 8-year old email from my best friend from the past, maybe it was just the nostalgia? Knowing that the castle in the sky that the two of us had always pretended to play in was finally a reality thanks to the newly released Sword Art Online... well, it's not quite released just yet. The game is set to officially open in about 3 minutes, I guess I was just burning time until I could login and play it. 

Maybe I should reply to her now?

I pressed the reply button on that 8 year old email and the small modal window popped up,  asking for me to input the message that I would send to her.

. . . 

I should probably wait until later, I want to log on at the very beginning after all: as the SAO servers open up. And I should give this email the time it deserves to write.

I suppose I should just wait until after I've logged off and had dinner with my family before I sit down and do justice to this reply. I suppose that I should leave it open though so that I don't forget to later!!

I've gone over all the coverage that I could find for this new experience, the first of its kind thanks to the Full Dive system it was premiering on: the NerveGear. I've been gaming for as long as I could remember. But to be able to experience something as ground-breaking as this was incredibly exciti—...


I've been lost in these thoughts of mine, all alone, and I didn't even realise that the minutes were silently creeping me by, as it was now 12:59: just a minute before the game servers open!

I quickly hasten to lay down on my bed and put on the NerveGear that I had sitting on my bedside table, already plugged in and waiting for use. And anxiously I await for the on-screen clock to hit 13:00 where I would then proclaim...

Y/N: "Link Start!"

* * *

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