Chapter 75: Koharu's Birthday

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As the Floor Clearing Party dwindled down those who attended started to dissipate. Silica, despite her initial protests, was the first to leave- accompanied by Asuna and Kirito the three of them left before it got too late so that Silica would actually make it home whilst still awake for once! A while later Koharu and Sachi left and then finally Rain and Philia made their way out. Leaving just me, Lisbeth and Argo left in the room.

Argo: "Hey U/N, before I head off for the night. I've an interestin' tidbit of information that ya might just be interested in"

Y/N: "Oh? And how much is it going to set me back?"

Argo: "Nyehehe! Ya say that like I'm not known for fair business and trade!"

Y/N: "Well... I mean-"

Argo: "-Ey there! Don't ya go spreadin' any slander!"

Y/N: "hmmm... I wonder how much weight my word-"

Argo: "Ya gonna drop that line of thought right there! Do that and I'll give ya this information for free!"

Y/N: "Sure, I'll take that deal I suppose!"

Argo: "grumbles"

Y/N: "Didn't quite catch that, what was that Argo?"

Argo: "n- nothin'! Anyways, do ya know a player that goes by the name of Sanya?"

Y/N: "Yeah... we've met a couple times, why?"

Argo: "Well, she's mentioned you a fair few times! And she asked me to let you in on a little something-"

Y/N: "-and you tried charging me for it?!"

Argo: "w- Well, it was only a joke!"

Y/N: "Uhuh... and what did she want to let me know?"

Argo: "No clue! She just told me to ask ya to get in contact with her as soon as ya could."

Y/N: "hmmm... okay. Well, I suppose I can go look for her now then, still a couple hours in the day, you don't mind right Liz?"

Lisbeth: "Of course not! Just don't do anything too dangerous tonight okay?"

Y/N: "You know me... trouble just finds me!"

Lisbeth: "Just try to not die tonight okay? We made that promise earlier after all!"

Y/N: "... yeah, I'm sure we won't be doing anything risky at this time in the day, she probably just wants to talk about something. If you're still up I'll see you again tonight Liz, see ya for now!"

Argo: "I'm gonna head out too, new floor and new info to gather after all! I'm sure we'll be in touch soon enough, cya!"

Lisbeth: "Buh-Bye!"


Sanya: "Oh U/N, good evening. I was not sure if we would be partaking in conversation tonight..."

She has such an odd way of speaking, its a lot more formal than most people.

Sanya: "But I am most pleased to see you could make the time to meet me tonight, especially considering the constraints of time considering this matter."

Y/N: "Argo mentioned that you wanted to see me as soon as possible. How can I help?"

Sanya: "Hmmm, it's less that you are required for something. Rather I would like to inform you of a coming event, but without having you in my Friends List I found it most difficult finding a way to contact you."

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