Chapter 53: Persuasion Check

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Kizmel: "Hark! U/N, you return unscathed, I can do naught but presume that your bout with the Crimson Troll was an undisputable and most glorious victory?"

Y/N: "It was indeed, thanks again for your help Kizmel." 

Kizmel: "I am most glad to hear of this triumph- and that you return wholly unharmed, indeed it was a most beneficial result to our people. As that Crimson Troll was nothing but a menace to my people and a lot of our operations in the area in attempt to regain the next key stolen away."

Kirito, quietly mentions to you: "The keys are a part of the Elf War Quest, there's a bunch of them which are all required by one of the races to open something... I can't recall what right now though..."

Kizmel: "Earlier you mentioned that you believed that this Crimson Troll was similar to the Guardian of the Labyrinth I believe?"

Y/N: "I did, so does that mean that the bos- I mean, the Guardian of this Labyrinth is a type of Troll too?"

Kizmel: "Indeed, I mentioned before that the Crimson Troll was the younger sibling of this Guardian, now as I know this information is of value to you I would like to help your future endeavours against this Guardian with all that we know."

Kirito: "Oh, perfect!"

Kizmel: "Indeed, from what I understand you adventurers have been liberating the Labyrinth's of their Guardians. But as for this floor, the Guardian is called Thor. Thor the Annoying Troll."

Asuna: "That's an... interesting name."

Kizmel: "It was given by the Elves native to this floor years ago, whilst Thor was never a deadly Guardian he was a troublesome one. As times went on Thor fortunately spent less time terrorising us and more time within the Labyrinth, which is why when his younger sibling the Crimson Troll started causing havoc once more we knew we would need him gone but could not spare the forces to deal with him."

Kirito: "So, do you have anything else you can tell us about Thor? Anything will help."

Kizmel: "Indeed I do, I retrieved this old journal from our camp- it contains notes of previous experiences with Thor back when he roamed this Floor... Here Kirito, could I ask that I speak to U/N in private for a moment, you can read through this journal whilst you wait."

Kirito: "Oh? uh- sure!"

Kizmel: "I thank you, come U/N if you would. I would say one more thing to you before I depart for my camp."

I follow Kizmel a short distance away from the confused Kirito and Asuna and we move behind a nearby tree whilst Kirito and Asuna read through the journal that Kizmel had handed them.

Kirito: "It hasn't changed at all, I'm sure we should be fine with it."

Asuna: "Oh, well that's good then right?"

Kirito: "Yeah, it wasn't too hard in the beta, I was able to do it with just three people back then."

Asuna: "Oh that's... great, but don't tell U/N that- we don't need them getting any ideas."

Y/N: "Ideas about what?"

Asuna: "OH! U-uh, nothing! We were just talking about a quest back at town is all!"

Kirito: "So, can you tell us what that was about?"

Y/N: "hmmm, maybe some time in the future."

Kizmel: "Regardless, I must be leaving you now friends and depart for my camp ready for our next adventure. Stay safe friends."

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