Chapter 47: Heart-To-Heart

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???: "Heya kiddo... hmmm, ya know, I never gave ya a nickname- wonder what'd fit ya best..."

Y/N: "I don't need a nickname Argo."

Argo: "You may not think ya need one, but I do. And it'll bug me until I thinka somethin'!"

<Author's Note: I do indeed need to come up with a nickname for U/N, it will need to be something that isn't an entirely unique string of letters, this nickname will end up playing a major role in the chapters WAY down the line. But I'm struggling to come up with one, I still have probably at least another 25 chapters or so before it'll be too late I reckon. >

Argo: "Ah, I'll think on it! Anyways, glad ya came to meet me. Ya all sorted elsewhere now then?"

Y/N: "yeah-... mostly, got one little thing I could do, but there's no rush for it."

Argo: "Good. Good! Means I can keep ya here for a while then, I wasn't kiddin' about that heart-ta-heart ya know!"

Y/N: "About that-"

Argo: "-upbupbup! No excuses now, you've told me you're free and I've already processed ya mappin' data and mob info so I've got the resta the day off too!"

Y/N: ""i- I wasn't going to try and escape! I was just uh- just wondering why you suddenly gained an interest is all.

Argo: "U/N! I've always been interested in ya, we all are! Ya are indisputably the strongest player in this world at the momen' and ya somethin' of an enigma if I'm honest!"

Y/N: "i- I'm just more comfortable on my own, that's all there is to it!"

Argo: "ahhhh, but that's where the conflictin' information arises! See, when ya came outta that dungeon ya weren't the only one to send me a message. Our mutual cutie Silica send me quite the alarmin' message.. of course she didn't wanna leak what ya were hidin' away but I can be quite resourceful when it comes to this sorta thing ya know...-"

Y/N: "Extortion then? Fantastic! ... poor Silica..."

Argo: "Ey! I didn't twist our lil' Beast Tamer's arm or anythin' quite that sinister!"

Y/N: "hm ..."

Argo: "And that's so you too, worryin' about someone else's welfare whilst ya are the one who needs help! So... tell me- truthfully please- what were ya really doin' in that dungeon? 'Cause ya definitely didn't take several days to clear out a single dungeon on ya own at your skill level."

Y/N: "f-Flattery won't get you anywhere with me."

Argo: "Ya sure? Ya stammered a lil' there. Is ya heart racin' yet or do I need to push a lil' bit ... closer?"

Y/N: "d-Don't."

Argo: "Nyehehe! Don't ya worry ya cute lil' head- I won't be usin' those techniques on ya. Ya promised a heart-to-heart remember? ... so spill!"

Y/N: "... I fell asleep, it was tranquil in there."

Argo: "Aaaaaand?"

Y/N: "And?"

Argo: "Whilst technically the truth, that isn't all ya ended up doin' after ya cleared that dungeon now is it?"

Y/N: "That doesn't concern anyone else but me."

Argo: "Aw come on U/N, ya still don't trust me with ya problems? And here I thought we were friends!"

Y/N: "... it's taboo to talk about real-world stuff in here right? Well, this is about real-world stuff so I can't talk about it."

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