Chapter 8: Treasure Hunter

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We weren't exploring the rocky outcropping we were at for too long before we stumbled upon the cave entrance we were looking for.

Philia: "There it is, that has to be the cave we're looking for!"

Now we need to think smart about this, if its a time sensitive quest then I wouldn't imagine the mobs are too high level to pose a major threat to me, but they could definitely  be higher than the average field mob... so I guess I should take the lead and Philia can keep an eye on my back.. that sword she's been using is very low grade for this floor, she doesn't even seem that confident with it, I think I've still got that dagger in my inventory that dropped back in the First Floor Labyrinth, it'd definitely be an upgrade to what she's got now-

Philia: "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's g-!"

Y/N: "-wait a second Philia, please."

Philia: "Why? Its time limited remember?!"

Y/N: "I know, but you also are limited to one life remember.." 

I navigate my menus and find the dagger that dropped a couple days ago and send it to her as a one-sided trade alongside to an extra piece of equipment I hadn't gotten around to selling yet.

Y/N: "Here, take these. We don't know how difficult the mobs will be in here so I want your equipment to be as high tier as possible"

She hesitated for a moment

Philia: "No strings attached, right?"

Y/N: ".. you're not allowed to die with my gear, got it?"

A slight smile appears on her face, she then accepts the trade and equips the dagger and the equipment which turns out to be a deep blue cloak with white trimming that covers her shoulders and reaches just above her waist, it's not the best for insulation but it increases her durability just fine.

Philia: "I've never used a dagger before, any tips?"

Y/N: "Well, for one: I'm the frontlines and you're just going to watch my back- it'll save the most time; and I can talk you through the basics as we start making our way into the cave"

Philia: "Sounds good to me! Lead the way!"



Well, I'm glad I was here. These Taurus' are no joke, they take way more of a beating than the ones out in the field, Philia wouldn't have stood a chance by herself if she tried to fight them alone. But they're giving great exp and quite a few of them had equipment drops too.

Philia: "We've gotta be pretty deep into this cave now right? We must be close now!"

Y/N: "I would think so, that's sixteen Taurus' so far, how many did you say raided that NPC's convoy?"

Philia: "Twenty one, but they said that one of them was a lot bigger than the others were. Probably the leader right?"

Y/N: "That's what I'm thinking, yeah... most of these fights so far have been against one or two at a time, I think we might get the last four at once before fighting the leader."

Philia: "That's kind of a shot in the dark isn't it?"

Y/N: "This was still designed as a video game right? I've played hundreds of games, I'm just putting faith in typical game design... and if I'm right, I want you to sit out and watch my back for traps or reinforcements, okay?"

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