Chapter 45: Cheesecake with Silica (& New Year Special)

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Hey U/N, thanks for the heads up that you were heading into a dungeon! 
I was being sarcastic in case you couldn't tell... even if you want to go into these places alone, at least tell us beforehand. You just disappeared on all of us, you also missed out on the Boss fight and first dibs on hunting spots, hope whatever you were doing was worth it!

Let's sit down and have a proper chat sometime soon, you may be my main source of info but I know next to nothing about you and I want to change that.

- Argo


Silica: "They aren't too mad are they?"

Y/N: "ehh, haven't heard from most of them yet but Argo's being a little passive-aggressive about it I guess"

Silica: "Well at least they're not after you at least!"

Y/N: "Yeah, I've had enough of their retribution for 100 floors..."

Silica: "hehe, Argo told me about the meeting they had with you after you did something risky, she didn't tell me what it was though..."

Y/N: "Oh, don't remind me... that was the most nerve-wracking thing I've experience in this world, hopefully never again!"

Silica: "hehehe, sounds rough! But at least now we're here waiting for cheesecake right?!"

Y/N: "Yeah, I guess that's a way to look at it! It's been a while since I've been down here for one of these, how about you?"

Silica: "o-oh ummmm, well not since you uh- not since you invited me last time..."

Y/N: "Oh, that was quite a while ago, I thought it was a weekly treat for you?"

Silica: "It is! But uhmmm... *mumbles* "

Y/N: "Sorry, I didn't hear that?"

Silica: "ummm... treats are better with friends right? I thought it'd taste better if I waited until our da- when you would invite me, wouldn't it?"

Y/N: "... That's quite the self-control! Sorry I took so long to get back to you, hopefully the taste is worth it!"

Silica: "I'm not a kid! I can go a couple weeks without treats! ... but it does smell really good in here!"

Y/N: "It does smell pretty nice, like those old bakeries I used to shop at when I was younger... ahem, uh- what flavour did you get?"

Silica: "I wanted to try something new, but their new flavour is all sold out so I'm just getting a slice of strawberry, what about you?"

Y/N: "I haven't been here in a while, but I wanted to try something that I can't really make at home so I went with blueberry, I don't think I've seen anything out in the field similar to berries yet."

Silica: "You can bake your own cheesecake?!"

Y/N: "Well, uhm- I can in theory... I unlocked the recipe recently when I levelled up my cooking some more- but I haven't tried to make it yet."

Silica: "Oooh! I remember how nice your food was during the Christmas dinner, do you think I could try your cheesecake someday? ... oh! but I can get you the materials for it or pay for it of course!"

Y/N: "Sure, that sounds nice. I'll have to do some practise ones first, I wouldn't want to waste your time on a burnt one or something..."

Silica: "n-no! That sounds nice, I c- can help you get materials for your trials and we can-... we could try them together, couldn't we?"

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