Chapter 143: Re:Venge

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Kirito: "It feels like it's been ages since I last came in here... It's still just as mysterious and outlandish as I remember, nothing like the rest of Aincrad at all..."

Asuna: "Kirito! Now's not the time to sightsee! We need to find U/N! Come on, hurry up!"

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Asuna: "Kirito! Now's not the time to sightsee! We need to find U/N! Come on, hurry up!"

Kirito: "Relax, Asuna. They'll be fine, we both know that. We're just going to give them a helping hand is all. Just... Just give me a minute to remember how this terminal here works so I can teleport us to the right place..."

Asuna: "b–But what if they're not alright?! They've got barely any sleep, if any! And they're all by themselves in that dungeon, right? The message said that Philia was missing and U/N fell down a trapdoor! What if it was a trick? What if this was planned? They know how strong U/N is... if they wanted them dead then it would have to be a really dangerous place... Wait! U/N said earlier that they had only just gotten to a new area, right? What if it's the Area Boss?!"

Kirito: "So close to the entrance? I doubt it. Asuna, you need to relax. We both know just how capable U/N can be when it matters. If it really is as dangerous as you think it is, I'm sure they'll play careful enough until we get there... Aha! There! That's gotta be it! Alright, we're teleporting in. Are you ready?"

Asuna: "Do it."

Kirito: "Teleport: Driogeer: Shrine of the Pursuer!"


Asuna: "Woah... Just look at this place... It's so... so different! Not like anything I've seen before in Aincrad."

Kirito: "Heh. Now who's the one taking in the sights around here!"

Asuna: "... sh–shush you. Now then... I remember U/N mentioned a dungeon nearby, didn't they? Where do you think that would be?"

???: "Kirito...? Asuna...? What are you two doing here?"

Asuna: "That voice... U/N!!"

U/N: "Well, yeah, who else could it be! Especially with this place being pretty much exclusive and—"

* POMF *

U/N couldn't even finish their sentence before Asuna had bombarded them with a very tight glomp of an embrace. If Asuna hadn't outstretched one of her legs to brace the both of them, they would have most certainly fallen to the floor with the force at which she launched into U/N.

Asuna: "U/N! You're okay!! We got your message and– We were so worried! What happened?! I thought you were trapped in a dungeon!?"

U/N: "I wasn't trapped in it... per se. I just... had to play it a bit more carefully than I normally had to, so I thought I'd send that message to Silica in case I ended up getting stuck in there for a while on my own. Speaking of which, have either of you seen Philia on your way out here?"

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